Page 19 of 68


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 7:23 pm
by admin
keep em coming......:0)


Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2002 1:40 pm
by athos
I just wanted to ask something to Mrs Williams: when you talk of ur son's full recovery do u mean an exceptionally good recovery, or that his arm has become literally as good as it was before the accident. Thanks and take care. In either case, I'm sure the recovery has been impressive.


Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 10:56 pm
by admin
My bpi was also caused by an air bag.


Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 3:07 pm
by denisezea
Hi everybody, today I just found this web site-- I'm not alone anymore!! My name is Denise, 27 from Pennsylvania, PA, left BPI after work accident-- falling x-ray machine in 2000, also had two ulnar nerve surgeries on left arm.


Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 4:37 pm
by admin
Hi guys, great site just found it. I am a righty full BPI, male, motorcycle accident CBR6, 20 june 98 from Elgin Scotland. I have had surgery to join my auxiliary nerve to my shoulder at Stanmore, London have now got very good shoulder but nothing else. Currently considering an intercostal muscle transfer to give me bicept. Anyone who has gone through this, who has a full BPI, any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers Les


Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 4:58 pm
by admin
Hi Guys.
Great site just found it yesterday. I have a complete Right BPI following a motorcycle (CBR6) accident on 20 June 98, male, from Elgin Scotland. I had some surgery done at Stanmore by Mr Carlsted to join the Auxiliary nerve to my shoulder which has worked very well but I have no other function at all. Currently considering having a free muscle transfer done to regain some bicept. Anyone with a complete injury who has undergone a muscle tranfer i would welcome advice or information.
Cheers Les


Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 5:18 pm
by admin
have bpi to left side do to gunshot wound in lower throat area hollow point bullet severd nerves


Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 9:07 pm
by Roy185
Hi everyone. I have a right bpi as a result of a blood clot surgery in 2000. My right first rib was removed to relieve pressure on a vein that had clotted. During the surgery, the vascular surgeon thought it was alright to stretch my nerves out of the way. Anyway, I'm not as bad off as most people. I regained complete use of my arm in about 6 months. Now, I suffer from sharp stabbing pains and very bad burning sensation throughout my arm. The inside of my arm is very sensative to touch. So sensitive, I can't stand the wind blowing on it.
Anyway, this is a great site. God Bless you all.


Number crunching (again)

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 5:07 am
by jennyb
It's that time again! Nuthin on telly so here goes....

84 tbpi have now posted on this thread, 55 males, 27 females and 2 unspecified.
Causes break down as follows (I hope this adds up, I don't have a printer and I'm going cross eyed looking at the screen....)

Motorbikes male 33 female 4
Car accidents male 6 female 4
Surgery male 3 female 7
Tree falling male 2
Airbag malfunction male 1 female 1
Hit by taxi male 1
Hit by falling sign female 1
Hit by falling wall female 1
Bus accident female 1
Fall female 1
Climbing accident male 1
Snowmobile male 1
Hit by train female 2
Waterski female 1
Jetski female 1
Playground accident male 1
Football injury male 1
Watching movie(!) unspecified 1
Exercise machine collapse female 1
Gunshot unspecified 1
Hit by falling xray equipment female 1
Quadbike male 1 female 1
Hit by van/car (pedestrian) male 2
No cause specified male 2

Nationalities break down like this;
USA 45
England 16
Northern Ireland 1
Scotland 2
Isle of Man 1
Canada 3
New Zealand 2
Jordan 1
Italy 1
Portugal 1
South Africa 1
None specified 10

Not everyone specified lefty or righty,of those who did another 10 left tbpi and 11 right tbpi have posted since I last crunched. I forgot to write down the last totals so if you want to know this figure go back to page 7 to see the last number crunch.

A big welcome to all the newbies and thank you for posting. Hi also to the OBPI and parents who posted, I didn't count you guys but you're always welcome to post on this board, a bpi is a bpi eh?
There are lots of other newbies who have posted on other threads but I didn't count them either, it's too difficult to keep track, so if you want to get crunched in the numbers next time post on this thread with your details,.....NOT IF YOU POSTED ALREADY AAAAAAAARGGH that would just blow my mind :0) OK now I'm going to bed.....

Re: Number crunching (again)

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 7:38 am
by athos
Excellent job Jenny. That is a very very neat breakdown, very helpful indeed. Well done!