
Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

I was on 400mg of topomax for seizures for 11 months.
I had all these side effects: tingling, numbness, dry eyes,depression, I couldnt sleeping and beginning to suffer from increased neck and back pressure.I were becoming pretty frustrated. Now, I am not in topomax anymore. I hate Topomax. I started zonegran. Until now, I am very happy. Tomorrorow I will increase for 200mg zonegran.Let's go see what it will happen.
I think that your eyes is very important. Try another medicine. Try to do meditation.This can help you a lot. Drink vegetable juice. Like: carrot, celery, cucumber, spinach, and fruits to. These juice can help to clean your body.
I am not from Usa, I've lived here for 14 years.
I hope you be better.
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

I was on 400mg of topomax for seizures for 11 months.
I had all these side effects: tingling, numbness, dry eyes,depression, I couldnt sleeping and beginning to suffer from increased neck and back pressure.I were becoming pretty frustrated. Now, I am not in topomax anymore. I hate Topomax. I started zonegran. Until now, I am very happy. Tomorrorow I will increase for 200mg zonegran.Let's go see what it will happen.
I think that your eyes is very important. Try another medicine. Try to do meditation.This can help you a lot. Drink vegetable juice. Like: carrot, celery, cucumber, spinach, and fruits to. These juice can help to clean your body.
I am not from Usa, I've lived here for 14 years.
I hope you be better.
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

I commend you, angelicamb, for your response to Paul. I, too, felt he was extremely rude and couldn't believe he didn't know what ADD was. Anyway...I'm so glad I stumbled across this board because I thought I was losing my mind when it came to some of the side effects of the T-max. Especially the mood swings. I've been at my family members throats and I'm never like that. It really had me worried. And I've been acting pretty stupid myself. Imagine running a business and having your employees telling you you act like you're drunk! Thank God it's a laid-back place! Do these side effects ever lessen while you're on the meds or do you literally have to wean yourself off them before they go away completely?
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Re: Topomax and hairloss

Post by admin »

Paul, do you have spell check? Maybe you should cut back your daily dosage of Topomax...that ever so popular side effect of "dumbness" seems to have really gotten to you. Next time, before you insult the people who are taking the time to help others by replying to their postings...just read them and do us all a favor by NOT responding! IDIOT.
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Re: Topomax

Post by staciariley »

I'm currently taking topomax for bi-polar disorder. I have been for over a year. i want to know if there is anyone out there who is having lower back pain and difficulty urinating. I don't have kidney stones as I know that is a side effect of the medicine.
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

My husband has been taking Topomax for a year now.
He lost a lot of weight, mostly because he could not stand the taste of soda anymore. He can only drink juices or like any minute maid flavors.
This drug is pretty powerful. He is going to stop taking it soon.
I was recently told by his therapist that this drug is very additive. She said that he may be on this his whole life.
Well, that is all that I needed to hear. I am going to make sure he stops taking it.
He was getting the numbing in his hands very often. I read many who experienced that same side affect.
Watch out too, if you miss a day or two. The Dr's say that it is fine, but they are so wrong.
I wish you all well and please take care of yourselves and be careful.
Do you research before taking anything new again.
The next time that your Dr. wants to prescribe you something tell him/her that you need a least a week to think about it and do some research.
There are many new drugs out there but, many have bad side affects.

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Re: Topomax - additional side effects

Post by admin »

I took Topomax for almost 1 year and did not have any side effects except weight loss. I needed to lose weight and am considering going back on this medication as I have gained 50 pounds since I quit smoking 19 months ago. I have Peripheral Arterial Disease and have femoral stents. Perhaps because I had already had extremity problems , I did not notice the Topomax causing any other problems in this area.
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Re: Topomax - additional side effects

Post by admin »

Hi! I took Topomax for 2 years and it was great. I took it to stablize my mood (I had been on Paxil, Prozac and Celexa for depression) and to help me lose weight. I lost 50 pounds. When I first took it, I remember thinking "this is how normal people feel about food". I also increased my exercise to 1 hr on the treadmill, 3 times a week! I had never been able to do that before!
Unfortunately, I developed kidney stones. I was taking 300mg/day.I had had a kidney stone before taking topomax. I am so sad to be off it. I am now trying zonegran and hope it will be as effective.
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

My grandmother who has always had perfect hearing was put on Topomax to help with the nerve pain associated with shingles. Within a few months, she has lost her hearing. She had to get a hearing aid but now that doesn't even work because she has no hearing whatsoever. Be careful when taking this drug!
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

Hi Kathy, I'm Kathy too! I take Topomax for migraine prevention. I've been on it about 10 weeks and I've never been better spirit, mind and body. I usedto be copletely debilitated when hit with a migraine; no light, no sound, no kids, just me and an occasional trip to the bathroom to vomit. Now I can be a mom, go to work, and just have a headache in various degrees of intensity but usually still function. It didn't hurt to take off a few pounds either and I feel fantastic because of that, too. I thank God for Topomax. How about you, what's your story? -ks