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Re: Topomax and hairloss

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 12:51 am
by admin
I suggest that possibly you might consider changing meds since it has affected your English. Don't is not spelled dount. You sound extremely simple.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 7:46 am
by admin
Hi all! I also, started taking Topomax 2 days ago. I have suffered from a SEVERE anxiety disorder for over 15 years now and am told that I am Bipolar, which I am riding the fence on. The anxiety disorder, I have no doubt about, with extreme panic attacks, you know without a doubt. I have been on mutlipe medications over the years. Here are the ones that did not help, Depakote, Lithium, & Paxil. Here are some that I have taken that hae been changed for one reason or another. Elavil, excellent drug for me, gained way to much weight. Trazadone & Ativan worked well, doc wanted to change up after 5 years was afraid of addiction. Was changed to Zoloft and Xanax, woked well for 3 years, wanted to change up again as I was beginning to take to many Xanax. Changed to Carbatrol and Klonapon. Klonapon, basically the same thing as Xanax just last longer therfor you don't feel the need to want as many, so it ha worked well as I am still taking it. The Carbatrol almost killed me. Although psychologically it helped extememly well, the side effects were hererndous. I visited the ER 3 times in 1 week with high fevers. I looked like a strawberry. I appeared burnt yet I was freezing and itching all over. As soon as I discontinued the meds, the sie effects went away. I was then placed on Triliptol to replace the Carbatrol, which had the same effect, not as severe but basically the same. So, that was dicontinued and replaced with Topomax. I am to begin taking 25 mg 2 times a day for 1 week and increase to 50 2 x a day for a week and then 75 2 x a day for the 3 week and by the 4th week I am to be taking 100 2 x a day in addition to 1 mg Klonapon 2 x a day for the panic attacks. So far I have not felt any tingling, cold hands or feet, have slept well, I am experiencing major hair loss (that started with the Carbatrol and has not stopped), my behavior has been very aggressive since my Mother's death in 2001 (my doc says this drug in combination with the Klononpin should calm it down), but I hsve experienced bouts of throwing up. I started taking the Topamax on Wed night and Thursday I through up 18 times. Today is Friday am, and so far so good. Would appreciate any feedaback and welcome any emails. Kathie

Re: TOPOMAX and Neurontin

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 8:25 pm
by admin
hey there, topomax is brand name - the generic name is topomirate or something like that. Neurotin is a brand name for a different drug - a newly approved anti-convulsant that also works on nerve pain and on bipolar disorder (stabilizes mood) and it's generic name is Gabapentin. It's side effects are almost exactly that of Topomax (except for the wt. loss). Hope that helps.

Re: Topomax for weight loss?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 8:27 pm
by admin
I'd like to know too.

Re: Topomax Migraine Alternative

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 5:31 pm
by admin
My Dr. prescribed Frova for migraines and I am pleased with it.

Re: Topomax & TBPI

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 11:16 am
by admin
Hi Paul and Everybody,
I am sorry that you are so sensitive abt this issue Paul and maybe because of that sensitivity you can help me. I have been experiencing numbness in my little and outside half of my left ring finger for abt 2 wks now after grabbing hold of what I thought was a grapvine to climb up the trunk of a loblolly pine and rescue a kitten. Of course it gave way after putting both of my feet on the trunk and I fell backwards on to a rotting log. At the time I thought I had hurt only my pride. Now my forearm is huirting in the muscle on the underside. Now at the same time I am a eppileptic and had been taking teggretol to control seizures. Yesterday I went to my neurologist because the teggretol was lowering my white count and I was sick all of the time. He put me on topomax and when I told him abt my fingers he mentioned a nerve conduction test to be done 8/28. He has started me out slow on topomax (25am/25pm) while decreasing my tegretol weekly my topomax increases 50 mg/wk. Could my finger numbness be the TBPI? He said the topomax might help it. I hope you will email me and tell me what you have gone through while taking it and how you feel. Thanks for your time. Linda

Re: Topomax

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:48 pm
by admin
hey i just started seeing someone because i have an eating disorder and they are considering putting me on topomax to help. does it help? i've read about other side effects [short term memory loss, numbness and tingling etc.] and i'm a little worried about those. do the pros outweigh the cons?

Re: Topomax

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 11:48 am
by admin
I am SO relieved to read all of the other experiences about stm loss with Topomax - I honestly thought that I was going slowly mad. I couldn't remember my son's middle name last night and that really frightened me. Any drug, and I am on the smallest dose possible, that can do that to you should have a much stronger warning. I have suffered at work for over a month now with horrendous short-term memory lapses. I decided not to take my dose last night, and now at 12PM the next day, sit here my old self again - I feel so mentally sharp again. Thanks for the forum - it has really given me such hope that I can be normal again!

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 6:00 pm
by admin
I am taking 400 mg Topomax daily for migraine. I too lactate, but my boyfriend loves it, so I don't mind.
I don't have periods- had a hysterectomy. My migraines are controlled now. I do experience some anxiety at times and some trouble with interrupted thought during sentence construction, but it has been worth it to live a life pain-free.

Re: Topomax

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 9:49 pm
by admin
I've been on Topomax since June 7, 2003, for Migraines, I have experienced numbness and tingling in my lips and nose and coldness in my entire body. I sleep in a waterbed that has a heater and some night have to also wrap up in a blanket. Other symptoms are tingling in feet and hands but I take a pottasium supplement vitamin when I take my topomax which has taken care of that problem; sometimes have blurred vision; sometimes minor depression and anxiety. My migraines are much better now.