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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 4:46 pm
by Mitch
Hi Red, Im now 15 months after surgery, and my pain is a mixture of both muscular, joint and nerve pain.
I cant really say its getting much better. Most of the nerve pain begins at the under side of the elbow firing down to the hand, at its best its like a back ground pain of pins and needles shooting and stabbing pains and burning. however this can change sometimes more regularly than other times, coming in waves, of severe crushing like beeing slammed in a car door and left there, hunching me into a ball, pulling my head onto one side or my chin on my chest . I have bad days and good days depending on how much sleep ive had, how stressed i am if i had too much to drink etc. Sound familiar???
On a positive point, im improving all the time, gaining muscle function at my shoulder. It started about 8 Months after surgery with a tiny sideways movement from my arm, that had really dropped down from the socket by now. So i keep up with physio and plenty of stretching, my arm is slowly being pulled back into place and gaining movement and strength all the time.
I recomend going to the local Spa suite for a sauna and Jacuzzi, and the Aromatheripy sounds like the biz
too. Speedy Recovery All!!!!
Chris Mitch....

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 7:35 pm
by admin
Hi Rob,

May I ask how old you are? My son is two months post surgery with very similar injury. No improvement yet. We are also from NY. Long Island to be exact. My son had his surgery in New Orleans with Dr. Kline.


Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 9:06 pm
by david wilson
hey mitch
thanks for the impute. i have a long way to go but it's nice to have hope. am really looking forward to having that shoulder back where it belongs. i feel it is the root of alot of my pain as it intesifies with staying vertical, walking or most any thing "normal" before my accident. you keep on healing, can't wait to get there myself. i don't know about the aromatheropy but i still have the stinky cat.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 9:56 pm
by Paul
Hey Rob hang in thair. What part of NY? Middletown orange county for me ...Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 1:10 pm
by highlander_1406
hey Paul i am getting the names of most of the oils that are good for nerves next thursday and i will post them all on here for you and everyone else


Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 10:31 pm
by admin
Hey Paul thanks for posting thus race results. I saw your acedent on ESPN 2 IN 99. BOB

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 2:22 am
by lucid_707
hey im kinda new at this is this like a chatroom for people with bpi

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 11:09 am
by highlander_1406
hey lucid yip this is like a chat room we all come here to discuss all sorts of things about BPI's anything from how to tie lacers to the pain that we experience

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 10:55 pm
by Paul
tie lace's ??????????? no no no I never lerned 4 years now I just bought shoes or sneake's with velcrow and now the populer shoes that pull on and boots from LL Beam and other supplyers. I bought like 8 pair. Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 4:23 pm
by Rob25
Paul, I'm from long island in NY.