Surgery has any one had any success

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by Paul »

Ok i have a bit more time. I allmost missed your posting when looked eallyer but saw it and runuing late to ansewer. So no probs from doctors. I haven't had time to spend on that site you speak of i work tomany hours. I will find time soon to check it out. I have it saved. I just do't have time Jenny. The frist year i had my injury i has lied too by all my doctors. Give it time it well repair its self. After 5 or 6 month i thought i would jump on the web and look for my self. I could not find nothing. You know why no one had ever told me I had a brachial plexus injuries. I kept looking for never injury of some of sort. I had no one in my famliy with a miedical back ruond. I had been in some of the best hospitals on the east cost. But none of them direceted me to the right place. I never had an EMG until one year post acdent. When I found doctor whats her name at 10 months post injury. Her staff told me thair was only 8 or 10 world wide and may be 3 in this country. And all kinds of marketing BS. Sent be a hole package in the mail. And when I arived in her office it was marketing all the way even on the walls in the office. After have no use of my arm for a year i flet lucky to find some one that promised to get it all back with maybe some small limatations. And an office staff that would fight with my insurance copany great until they wanted money from me inadideion to my insurance. A little light went off but i still went thru with it. I learned alot more after the op failed and they wanted more and more money wish i never gave them. I just hired one of her xemployes to work in my company and boy did i lern a lot. So jenny i do write emails to many pepole and tell the whole story one on one. Im not afraid of lawyers, thair afraid of me. Jenny your a great person thanks for all your help. Wheres the spell checker? Paul
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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by admin »

Paul: I'm not sure if he is on the net, but I'll try to go down there next week and see, otherwise I'll see if I can get his phone and put it on your email. Sorry to hear about your bum steer by the Docs butI was told to wait a year by one Doc also, it's a bit of a coin toss, sometimes I think maybe I cut too soon, but who knows? It won't pay to be bitter. I know life has changed for me, I just try to go on.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Left TBPI 03/06/01. Motorcycle accident

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by Mitch »

Hi Kevin, Glad to hear all is well. Hope your recovering well after sergery..
I like the sound of this Aromatherapy, wots involved??
Prof Burch didnt mention it to me.
Gaining shoulder recovery, still waitig for those Biceps, Triceps. Pain Pain Pain!!!
Good Luck All!!
All or Nothing!!
david wilson
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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by david wilson »

hey mitch
red wilson here. how long post surgery are you and is it nerve pain, ie shooting, burning and not related to the real flesh and blood of your arm or is it recovering from the surgery, ie getting better slowly but surely. great to get that shoulder back as it comes first in suporting the reast of the arm. hang in there
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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by highlander_1406 »

hey Mitch i am recovering well i feel the best i have in a long time. Aromatheraphy is very very good it involves getting massages with special oils there is a certain oil that is ment to be good for nerve recovery. The main area i get massaged is my back because it gets very tight but i also get my chest,right up my neck and my bad arm gets massaged aswell it is expensive but well worth it. It even makes me feel more loose than after i have had physio. But physio is just dam loads of pain anyway. If you want me to find out any information about aromatheraphy like which oils are good for nerve recovery dont hesatate to ask

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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by Paul »

Thanks onepaw...Ya go to my email for my phone # or if you can give me his. So ILL call him on my nickle. Where are you from onepaw? I like the name. Paul
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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by Paul »

Kevin please tell more about the oils are thair any web site were they can be bought? it snowing here 3rd time in 4 days. Paul
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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by highlander_1406 »

Hi Paul i dont know of any sites that sell the oils but i will find out when i have aromatheraphy this thursday which are ment to be the best for nerves but if you find any sites about the oils could you post them so i can visit aswell cheers

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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by Paul »

thanhs Kevin
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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Post by Rob25 »

Hello everyone sorry that its been along time but things are getting a little hard over here these days. Its now been a little over 3 months since my surgery and absoulty no type of response from any of my damaged muscles(C5 and C6 very strecthed). I'm getting alittle impatient, but trying to stay cool. The Docs are telling me its to soon for anything. I'm doing the electrical stim everyday and bicept curls and alot of strecthing. Anyone that has had similiar injury as mine please tell me how long did it take to see any type of improvement and what excerise did they do and how offten. My e-mail address is and I'm from N.Y.. Thanx