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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:34 am
by admin
Bert, I'm from England and I know what you mean mate. I am 32 now and first had wing scapular at 12 yrs old. They didn't have a clue about it then and i had a series of heat treatments and PT but some of the muscles have died. I have been very active all my life and have had the symptoms of WS on 5 occasions, ( One of them at present), but the actual winging has not returned. I rarely bother with the docs.
You will be very lucky if you find any one who knows the condition well enough i think...

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:37 pm
by admin
doctors are either not very smart about this or too concerned about keeping high traffic practices.

my advice is avoid the surgery, I had it done.
stick to the physical therapy for a couple years.
at least the Physical therapist has to be around to see if what they are giving you works or doesn't work.
the doctor just wants his money and for you to be on your way.

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:01 am
by james
Well it’s been six month since my muscle transfer, I haven’t looked back once!

Seven weeks in a body & shoulder cast (spiker) and a week of intensive physiotherapy, and therapy once a week since then, my scars are not overly ugly, despite getting an infection.

I have not been totally pain free (yet) but I have a great range of motion and my strength and control is growing al the time.

I can’t say enough! My life has changed

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:43 pm
by admin
Someone earlier asked about Parsonage-Turner Syndrome-

I recently had an EMG that showed rhomboid denervation as well as serratus anterior denervation. The rhomboid is supplied by the dorsal scapular nerve and the serratus anterior is supplied by the long thoracic nerve. The Dr. said that selective injury to both of these nerves was extremely rare. He felt it was more likely viral-induced (i.e. Parsonage Turner, Acute Brachial Neuropathy). Has anyone else here had similar findings?

I had one symptom that I have not heard other people mention. Before I started to develop winging 5 years ago, I had an extremely intense itching in the area of my left rhomboid. I did some drastic stretching of that area to the point of straining it a few times. Even when it hurt I couldn't stop stretching it. The itching eventually went away and was replaced by numbness and a winging scapula. Anyone else had this?

Last Summer I had the LTN decompression surgery from Dr. Nath. The surgery itself was uneventful, but I have not improved any since then. Now I am thinking about the tendon transfer, I'd like to know what kind of results other people have had.

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:00 pm
by admin
I have had the same symptoms of all of you for about ten years (I am 26 now). I had this back in high school and was very active, it didn't really hinder me to the extent of most of you. I have that sharp burning pain between spine and clavicle but still have probably 95% range of motion. I think I have learned to deal with it. My pain that really does bother me however is my front deltoid (tendonitis pain). My muscles are totaly unbalanced (weak, right serratus anterior, right pecs, right trapezius, rhomboids, lats etc.). Has anyone here(probably not, or you wouldn't be here) made great improvement through physical therapy?

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:04 pm
by admin
HI there, I'm a 23 yr old male...I would love for you to shed some light on this ever so mysterious subject of the winging scapula. I have had a winging scapula for a year now I did it whilst doing a heavy session of weights and then I played volleyball after and that night I was in so much pain in my shoulder arm that I had tears.

What should I do? REST? I have had EMG tests P.T Everything! Seen heaps of docs... my winging has gone down a fair bit now but i still have this dull pain ALWAYS.... when does it go? It’s so depressing for someone who is young, and now I cant participate in any sports. Is there any advise that you could give me please??? Thanks. Gene

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:05 pm
by admin
HI there, I'm a 23 yr old male...I would love for you to shed some light on this ever so mysterious subject of the winging scapula. I have had a winging scapula for a year now I did it whilst doing a heavy session of weights and then I played volleyball after and that night I was in so much pain in my shoulder arm that I had tears.

What should I do? REST? I have had EMG tests P.T Everything! Seen heaps of docs... my winging has gone down a fair bit now but i still have this dull pain ALWAYS.... when does it go? It’s so depressing for someone who is young, and now I cant participate in any sports. Is there any advise that you could give me please??? Thanks. Gene

Re: winged scapula after tos surgery and car accident

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:06 pm
by admin
HI there, I'm a 23 yr old male...I would love for you to shed some light on this ever so mysterious subject of the winging scapula. I have had a winging scapula for a year now I did it whilst doing a heavy session of weights and then I played volleyball after and that night I was in so much pain in my shoulder arm that I had tears.

What should I do? REST? I have had EMG tests P.T Everything! Seen heaps of docs... my winging has gone down a fair bit now but i still have this dull pain ALWAYS.... when does it go? It’s so depressing for someone who is young, and now I cant participate in any sports. Is there any advise that you could give me please??? Thanks. Gene

Re: Emergency Open body GALLBLADDER have winged scapulas. .

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:18 am
by Nan in On
I was in a state of shock reading your could have been written by me word for word (exchange the gall bladder surgery for ruptured bowel).
I was treated the same way...dismissed. I was told it would didn't. I was told I should not be in this much pain...I am. I was told that my pain was caused by depression...NOT. I was told that there would be no point in taking legal action because I had no absolute proof of negligence during surgery.
I have been unable to work ever since my injury. I am now receiving a meager government pension (after a 3 year battle to obtain benefits). If it were not for my husbands income, I don't think I would be able to make ends meet.
It is disgraceful that this is allowed to happen to us without surgeons accepting any responsibility for an injury that has turned our lives upside down indefinitely.
I would suggest that you keep meticulous notes with regard to your limitations, pain levels, treatment etc. as well as obtaining a copy of your surgical record (it may be very telling with regard to how this injury occured).
I was injured in 2000 and applied for disability in 2001. I was denied several times, hired a lawyer at the first appeal stage and was finally approved in 2004. The process itself is a stressful one and being in constant pain does not make it any easier...but you must persist and never give up.
All the best with your consult with Dr. Nath. I have no experience with him but I know others who have. Some were happy with the results, but others were not.
If you email me, I may be able to find you some contacts with people who have had the surgery with him soyou can get some first hand information.
Wishing you the best.

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:42 am
by admin
Hi -l read your notice and wonder if you have more info on the pectoral major split tendon transfer that l have been offerred after the long thoraic nerve was severed during spinal surgery to the thoracic -a repair failed