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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 3:20 pm
by admin
Great good luck. Paul keep us posted. Bob

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 4:16 pm
by jennyb
Hey Paul, good luck with your Dr appointment, hope Dr Grossman can help you. Keep us posted won't you :0)

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 2:32 pm
by Paul
Hey Jenny thanks. Well he's more cocevetive, which I guses is good for me becouses of my bad exspernce. I can't say with who I do't want this erased. Well my tricipt works so he say's lets put it around to my bicipt and let gravety take my arm down. I don't know much about this. If anyone know's or had it done please write. and thanks to Rob to even tho we hardlly hear from him. Theses two Doctors sound very good. I saw doctor Andrew Price also a real nice person. They both gave me some new hope for some use of my arm.DR. Grossman is with Dr Price if any is looking for him. Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2002 4:39 pm
by admin
What kind of surgey did you have? I had nerve graphs done on C5, C6, and C7. I had my arm in a sling for four weeks after my surgery. After four weeks i started physio where i did passive rang of motion exercises. My PT gave me streching exercises to do at home like streching my fingers wrist and shoulder. I hope this helps you.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2002 4:39 pm
by admin
What kind of surgey did you have? I had nerve graphs done on C5, C6, and C7. I had my arm in a sling for four weeks after my surgery. After four weeks i started physio where i did passive rang of motion exercises. My PT gave me streching exercises to do at home like streching my fingers wrist and shoulder. I hope this helps you.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 10:12 pm
by admin
My husband has bilateral brachial plexitis injury. Has anyone had improvement with Immuno-globulin therapy. It has been suggested to us, but with no data to back it up, we were sceptical

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 4:45 pm
by admin
What is bilateral brachial? Never herd of immunoglobulin therapy? Can you tell me more? Bob

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 4:54 pm
by admin
Guest tell us more about this..........Bill

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 8:35 pm
by highlander_1406
Hi Paul i am 18 years old and i crashed a motorbike in March 2002 and in my local hospital here in Caithness North Scotland when the doctors came to see me after investigating what was wrong with me, they came into my room and said you are very lucky you did't break anything you have a BPI which after finding out what it was made me think jees are they fit to be doctors they were going to let me just get beter as time went on but i got transfered to doctor Birch from Stanmore and after examining me i found i severed C 5,6,7 and damaged C 8 and T 1 which left me with my hole upper right body powerless and my arm so after seeing Mr Birch i had the surgery on 17th of May 2002 and as of yet do not have any movement just flickering in my muscles but i am happy with the progress and am due down to london again on the 10th of this month to get another graft to my bicep nerve as it did not work proper and then next summer i have to get a tendon in my wrist transfered to give me more movement and power in it my hand is also working well now but extreamly sensitive and painfull expecially my index finger and thumb. thank you for listening kevin

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 10:44 pm
by Paul
Thanks Kevin Im Glad you got the right help and quickly. good very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please keep use posted. If you would like go back some and read the old posting to learn things about the injury and who we are. I wish you luck your young, get plenty of exercis and therapy hours a day and you will heal better than us old guys who crash at 43 years old going 180 mills an hour at Daytona. Paul