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Re: Family Wins Case (Thats Us)!

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 7:45 pm
by phaliscak
What wonderful news!!! Congratulations!!! Good luck on the next part. Isn't it kinda like playing the game "Survivor?"


Re: Family Wins Case (Thats Us)!

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:34 pm
by angryparent

Just read your story. Congratulations.

I applaud you for having more strength to fight this all the way than we did.

We ended up settling, with the primary opinion coming from my Lawyer that this doctor who disabled our baby had shielded all his assets, and with the knowledge that the hospital was protected. Being publicly financed in Volusia County, Florida - they are protected by a law called "Sovereign Immunity". This means that any hospital in Volusia County that is tax-payer financed is shielded from any judgment over $100K per person, per incident.

So our lawyer felt that even had we gotten a judgment of $2 million or so, that we'd never have had the ability to collect it. Lord knows if we'd have gotten a verdict that we wanted, but we opted for taking the settlement, knowing I could invest it properly for my son Matthew, as that is what I do for a living.

So we took the settlement, and don't really have regrets. We knew it would take 5-7 years of torture, so I applaud you and your husband for having the strength to go through with that.

I hope of course, that verdict being what it is, that Ashley is doing well. Please let us know how she is doing. In the end, that is all that matters.

Again, sincerest congrats and kudos to you for all the hard work.

Best wishes,

John A. Ferrado

Re: Family Wins Case (Thats Us)!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:40 pm
by AshleysMom
Thanks John! We would have loved to settle, going through this has been the most difficult thing our family & my marriage has endured. Our one & only offer of settlement was so bad that it was almost like they were saying we want to go to trial. If we even had an offer of Ashley's care plan estimate we would have thought hard cause by no means would we have gambled ashleys future but it wasn't even close we had to go the long haul for our daughter.