New Baby

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: New Baby

Post by muzik2407 »

Congratulations! I have an 8year old (c-section), and 9month old bpi baby (planned c-section; dr on call pushed for vaginal) and am expecting again in April. This time I'm in charge and it's definitely c-section. Like the others have mentioned, arm yourself with questions. In vaginal birth, Gestational diabetes is a factor and so is your pelvis and ultrasounds at the very end to determine weight of baby. From what I have read, it can go many ways for anyone of us. As for c-section, it depends if the Dr. uses forceps or vacuum. Good luck in your quest. Remember to enjoy this time.
Lisa D
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Re: New Baby

Post by Lisa D »

I too just found out that I'm expecting our second, and am pretty scared about the delivery. My fears were calmed somewhat when I went to see my NEW ob/gyn. We talked for 1.5 hours about shoulder dystocia, and what I felt, what my options are etc. a planned c-section is an option (apparently on-going therapy for BPI is one of the factors that makes it an option..?). You should talk to your ob/gyn about what is required for a planned c-section and then if you want to do that, start interviewing the Dr.'s about there c-section experience. You can also have a birth plan that says you maybe want to try vaginally for two hours and if nothing happens switch to a c-section. My ob said that if I did choose a vaginal delivery - vacuum and forceps would absolutely NOT be used. Best wishes.
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Re: New Baby

Post by TNT1999 »

Lisa, CONGRATULATIONS on your new baby on the way!! I'm glad that you found a new OB/GYN who you're comfortable with. I'm still looking as we'd like to expand our family too. Best wishes! -Tina
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Re: New Baby

Post by Debbie »

I have 4 children. My second child was a right obpi.
My third and fourth child, I switched to a different
hospital. I had the last two c-section, and they were
just fine. My doctor with the last two, said not to worry about shoulder dystocia, he would just cut me more. :) I would not have tried vaginal labor first, for the baby gets stressed during labor, and especially if their is complications. (For example if the baby is too big, and your pelvic is too small, meconium.)
Ask your ob, and discuss c-section, thoroughly.
My third and fourth baby weighed 11# 12oz., and 10# 10 oz.
Please don't let being scared of having another child. With c-section, there less risk of bpi.
Just my opinion.
Take Care,
Posts: 80
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 10:00 pm

Re: New Baby

Post by Debbie »

One other comment, if you choose vaginal delivery.
Can the doctor guarantee not vacuum, and forceps?
How else will the baby come out, and what manuvers will the doctor use to get the baby out?
What if the baby is already in the birth canal, and risk of hurting the baby is increased, (because you can't very well push the baby back up the birth canal.)
What would they do?
As a last resort would they use forceps? etc...?
I would point blank ask your ob this.
You sound like a very good mother.
Good luck.