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Re: BPI Surgery on TV - Mayo Clinic Documentary Schedule Change

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 4:18 am
by atkohn
Does any one have Lifeline: Mayo Clinic episode four on tape that I could purchase? I work at Mayo in Rochester and I am going through one of the procedures in the episode. Thanks for your help! Adam

Re: BPI Surgery on TV - Mayo Clinic Documentary Schedule Change

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 2:07 pm
by EllenB
I'm in contact with the producer to get a "clean" version of episode 2. I'll see if she'll send me a copy of episode 4 as well... but don't know how long it will take to receive them. When are you scheduled for surgery?

Another idea is to contact the Mayo person who supports your doctor & see if they'll send you a copy - I'd expect they have one!

Good luck,


Re: BPI Surgery on TV - Mayo Clinic Documentary Schedule Change

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:41 am
by Ginajam
Hi Ellen

You replied to my earlier message regarding my brother. We live in Australia and I am finding information very limiting here. I have accessed the mayo clinic website but at the moment find it a wee limiting due to a number of issues. I have also tried to access the discovery health channel website but it constantly shuts down. Are you able to send me any information on accessing the video everyone is talking about?

Any information you can supply would be truly appreciated.

Regards Karen

Re: BPI Surgery on TV - Mayo Clinic Documentary Schedule Change

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:58 am
by EllenB
Hi Karen,

We're in the process of making an edited version that would just show John's ~14 minute story. We're then planning to get it on a CD & potentially develop a zipped file that might not be too large to email. If not, we can snail mail. Don't know how feasible that all is but we're giving it a try. Send your address to my email & we'll get something to you one way or another.

I've seen posts from others in your area on this site. Have you tracked any of them down? How did the accident happen? John was on his bike also, & was hit by a car... just two weeks after a cycling teammate of his was killed by an Atlanta driver. Sheesh.


Re: BPI Surgery on TV - Mayo Clinic Documentary Schedule Change

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:34 pm
by admin
Thank you for the reply! My surgery is on Dec. 18th. I am having the surgery for excessive sweating of the hands. A nurse on my floor said that she watched the program and That it described every thing that Iam and will be going through. I wanted a copy so I could show my family. My email is, thanks again.