Spinal Cord Stimulator

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Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by lizzyb »

Please guys, don't take this the wrong way, but RSD and other pain where the nerve roots are intact is almost always going to react differently to a spinal cord stimulator than the pain caused by avulsed nerves as I understand it.

I (along with others)have been researching this stuff for years, and in general, a SCS does not seem to be useful in reducing the pain caused by a TBPI.

I think, reading between the lines that some of the recent posters here probably do not have a TBPI.
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Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by Danzia »

i have both a tbpi and rsd. this was recommended to me by dr zager in philly when i saw him last month.

i have done much research on this and it seems to be a last resort for patients who haven't had luck with anything else.

also in my reading, like what lizzy said, it is used moreso to treat rsd/crps than other injuries.
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Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by admin »

I posted a question regarding the SCS trial a week or so ago and didn't get a response. But was then actually happy to see someone ask the question again a different way. The information I got was really helpful. Was it the way I asked the question, in my posting? I would really like constructive advice because it has happened several times where I haven't gotten responses to questions. Just a fluke? What can I do? ............... be more involved in the site? Thanks so much.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: MVA in 2001, nerve graph in 2002, Median Nerve Transfer in 2004 and an unsuccessful Gracillis Muscle Transfer in 2006. I am living life and loving it! Feel free to contact me :)
Location: Grosse Pointe Woods, MI

Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by cbe411 »

Suzanne... first of all it can be very random around here.... some times these message boards are going mad and there are epeople responding all the time, other times a thread can sit for a couple days or weeks before getting a response. If you read some of the responses on this thread, most of these people had this spinal cord stimulator implanted for RSD which is different from BPI. They also are guests.... they could have just did a google search for the implants and come here. If you register an account with UBPN and LOG IN when you post, that will help a ton I am sure!! That way you will not have to wait for your post to be approved by a moderator, it will just go straight up. There are some people who are put off by guest posters.

I personally have no experience with this spinal cord stimulastor that is why I Have not responded to either of these threads....

Hope this helps you....

COurt :)
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Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by jlyn0212 »

I just have a question,I am twenty years old and I have nerve damage to my left foot and this is on going now for over three years related to a work injury. I have tried everything it feels like. I am going through the nerve blocks right now I already have had five and they want to do more. I am doing this before I have the spinal cord stimulator. I am nervous about this and have not really talked to any one that has had it any advice. Aslo I have been trying to research if you can have children after the stimulator but I can not find very much information on it. Please let me know if any one knows?

Texas Robin
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Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by Texas Robin »

I agree with LizzyB, about the RDS pain and TBPI pain. My son had the trial stimulator implanted back in October. He did not like it in his body at all. He had the Dr. take it out in 5 days. It did help with the pain somewhat, but not worth all of the trouble. Besides feeling the stimulation in his bad arm, he felt it in this good arm, left side of his rib cage and his left leg. He felt it in these others areas because of his first nerve surgery. He felt it was not worth all of the troubles that go along with it. Good Luck!
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Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by Beverly »

I have DDD that was caused by a C5-C6 fusion. My doc and I have tried everything from PT to epidurals & nothing is working. We're talking SCS now. I'm a little concerned about the hardware I already have in my neck from the fusion. Will it effect the placement and effficency of the SCS?
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Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by admin »

Hi. My name is Linda. I have been struggling with RSD, for 3 years now. I also have had a spinal cord stimulator put in. I wouldn't or couldn't live without it. I'm not saying it has completely taken the pain away, but it has made my life better. It has help cover about 40% of my pain, and made it more tolerable. I'm not going to lie to you, I have had some complications with it, but it was worth it. If you need someone to talk to about it, you can reply back. I feel you must be at the end of your rope, before you consider this option.
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Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by admin »

so if you had good results after the scs how bout the bad parts of the test any revue dr. wanting to do mine in april ty jhj
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Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator

Post by admin »

What complications did you have? I am having the trial on Monday and I am very sceptical.