Husband hurt at work...

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Kathleen M

Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by Kathleen M »


I am so glad to hear your husband is doing well. I am sure that after a scare like this you will both need him resting for the next week... glad to hear the good results... Hope he is up and well soon with nothing more than a bad memory of this horrible event.

Krista :o)
Posts: 47
Joined: Tue Nov 06, 2001 3:44 am

Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by Krista :o) »

I'm so glad to hear that your husband is ok. You were in my thoughts.

Krista (from Finland)
Posts: 2199
Joined: Sat Mar 22, 2003 9:03 pm

Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by Francine_Litz »

Hi Krista - I'm glad to hear the results... however I do want to tell you that this is something that he's going to have to take care of right away.... what I mean is chiropractic and massage... the scar tissue forms in the first 6-8 weeks after a trauma and this is the type of thing that you want to get handled asap. He should probably be going to a chiropractor 3 or more times a week and maybe the chiropractor will have a massage therapist there?

If something that heavy fell ON his head then you are talking about skull and spinal compression issues...

It may be ok now or soon...but in 30 years from now it may not be so good...that's why ya gotta get the help avoid those later issues if it's possible.

Send him my regards and hopes for a good and quick recovery,
Site Admin
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Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by admin »

Thanks Francine,
I will tell him what you said about this.
You always have great info! =)
Posts: 2199
Joined: Sat Mar 22, 2003 9:03 pm

Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by Francine_Litz »

if he has any questions about how things affect you later in life I can give him my mom's phone number!!

She fell and had some spinal compression in her lower spine about 20 years ago and now she has very serious neuropathy.... She'll wise him up!! LOL

Posts: 58
Joined: Tue Nov 06, 2001 9:40 pm

Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by Melissa »

Krista, I just saw your post. So sorry to hear what happened but I am glad your husband is okay. Take care.