Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Hi! I am Laura, the mom of Tyler, who has a ROBPI. I've been a member of this site since 1998 and owe a great deal to the wonderful people in the UBPN community who have helped us along the way get what we needed to get done for Tyler. Tyler is now 14 years old and in the 9th grade. He's a super bright kid and loves his video games. Tyler had the mod quad surgery with Dr. Shenaq shortly before he passed. That was his first and only surgery. Now that he is older he is requesting additional surgery. He'd like to be able to supinate. Our goal is for Summer 2013.
Location: Gulf Breeze, FL


Post by tylergsmom »

Ironically enough, my son (6 yrs old ROBPI) was evaluated at the age of about 20 months for getting the PT at home thru some program (i forgot the name) and he didn't qualify for PT but they said he needed speech therapy. He did speech therapy for about a year. He still talks a little funny but there's only so much you can do about the way he pronounces words.
Laura LeNoir, Mom of Tyler, Age 14, ROBPI
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Post by admin »

My son 6 years old ROBPI had a horrible speech problem and also had a terrible time with table food. I think he was about 21/2-3 when he could eat without gagging. He is in first grade and still has a speech problem, however the speech therapist at school feels that it is due to...fourth child syndrome....nobody let him speak for himself....and the fact that he is a "YOUNG" first grader. He won't be seven until July. Also he suggested and I am not sure if this was a slam to me and my husband that we fussed to much over his PT and OT to make him speak properly as a toddler.
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Post by admin »

Yes, E... all of the above. Veronica is nearly 17 months now. LOBPP She has started speech. She has 2 words. I'm not heavily concerned about her speech, so much as I am her eating. She weighed 8lb 1oz at birth. Injury with broken clavicle, then weighed 6lb 9oz. She is a very slow weight gainer. She recently hit 20- lb. Her tougne was always twisting and going up on the left. It was always sticking out too. People thought it was cute. She is my 5th child. I wondered what was wrong with her tounge. Turns out it is all related to her nerves being injured - stretched - from the beginning. She has nice arm function, all things considered, but I, too, still give her baby food lots of the time. She won't eat textures. She doesn't care for much finger food, and there is no way she'll eat lumpy food... yet. She won't even eat the #3 jars. She has experienced all kinds of different delays... all related to her nerve damage at birth. I haven't experienced the hicup situation tho. She also dominates chewing on the non BPI side of her mouth. Much trouble with the open cup. I'm happy to read about the speech coming in during the preschool years for most of these posts... curious to know what else is around the corner with this injury.
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Post by Terris5 »

my daughter has also shown some "speech " and eating difficulties at 15 months but we relate it to poor muscle tone and the fact that her brain is working so hard to repair the damage from the bpi that the speech and muscle tone will improve as time goes by. She is my 5th also and I know that they all develop at different levels. Each day she does better and has a vocab of about 7 words her favorites being Mommy and Bobby(her brother!) Gotta love it!!
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Post by admin »

hey my name is jessica and i am 18 i have had a speech problem like all my life.. and i have gone to speech therist and everything i mean they have helped alot and stuff.. i have been made fun of.. and stuff.. it hurts i mean alot of stuff.. i didnt get invite to a party bc this girl that was throwin it father didnt like the way i talk.. and he said that he would make fun of me.. so i dont know.. i dont like it.. sometimes but most people can understand me now.. i guess after they get to know me they can.. but if u have any ?s feel free to email me about them i can try and answer them.. for u thanks for listenin to me or readin this.. thankksss
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Post by mylittlemj »

My son Michael has RBPI and has had two sets of tubes in his ears since he turned 1, he is now 19 months and can only say at the most 6 words if that. He did have a hearing test and passed it the last time around. I don't think it has anything to do with his injury, I just think it is something that just happens to some toddlers.

Talk to a speech therapist, that is what I am doing with my son Michael. I found out he has a 64% dealy in his speech for his age.

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Post by Susie »

Have you read the post with the subject 'right handedness? Someone posted an interesting article about how it can effect a child.