question about gestational diabetes

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Re: question about gestational diabetes

Post by jennyinsandiego »

what is an FHT? I always thought that an nst showed how the baby's heart rate responded to the movement (it should accelerate) and was different than a kick count.
thanks for the clarification. I always wanted a homebirth-you are so lucky to be able to assist...
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 9:32 am

Re: question about gestational diabetes

Post by Connie&Andrew »

Thanks so much everyone for your input. I found out my 1 hour glucose test was 157. Their limit is 150. I will go in probably Wednesday or Thursday for my 3 hour test. At my next doctor visit I am going to see if they have the numbers in my file from my 3 hour test from my last pregnancy. I never asked them the actual numbers. I will be a lot more conscientious this time. My dad has a glucose monitor. (he was diagnosed as boderline diabetic a few years ago). He has controlled everything with diet and I don't believe he uses the monitor much anymore. I'm hoping to get it from him, so I can determine what my sugar levels are myself.

Again thanks so much for all of the information. It's so helpful.

Posts: 201
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Re: question about gestational diabetes

Post by Connie&Andrew »

I got the glucose meter from my dad last night. We took my blood sugar so he could show me how to use the unit. It came back 164. He thought that was probably a little high. It was about 2 hours after I had dinner. I took my fasting blood sugar first thing this morning. It was 99. From what I understand their limit is 95. I guess I need to be a little more careful about my diet. I have such a sweet tooth, it's going to be hard, but when you are doing for the sake of your baby and not just yourself I think it's easier. I'll be going in tomorrow for a 3 hour glucose test.

Thanks again everyone for your input.

jody o.
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Re: question about gestational diabetes

Post by jody o. »

Hi, Sounds like a lot of good information so far...I thought I'd add this though, because I didn't think I heard anyone else who is taking insulin. They diagnosed me with GD at about 33 weeks (I am now at 35 weeks). The first week I tried diet & go. 2nd week they put me on insulin in the morning and night. Now I also take a fast acting insulin right before dinner and have also increased the cc's morning and night. My numbers are good only about 50% of the time. My fasting is always between 110 & 125 (target under 100). I have to eat so little to keep it low, and I have no willpower. Plus, I'm so big now that walking around the block is a killer. I am active, but only with cleaning and running errands with the kids. Prolonged walking 30 minutes...just causes my stomach to get so hard, it makes it really hard to keep walking. Anyway...that's my story. My first problem (2-weeks early, just under 8 lbs.) My second (1-week late, 11 lbs., 9 oz. LOBPI). My current doctor said they probably just let the GD go, as it happened late in pregnancy...but they probably could have done more, the way my current doctor is now. Oh well. Good luck to you. As long as they now of your history with an OBPI child, I would think they'd be extra careful with your GD. Good luck again.
