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Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 10:07 pm
by Francine_Litz
no offense taken here...

we're all in this together :)

big hugs,

Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 11:16 pm
by Khiron's Krew
GOD leads and directs our path and orders our steps. Khiron was born Dec 20, 2001 w/ erbs palsy of his left arm. He began seeing a neurologist in Jan 2002 and therapy in Feb 2002.

My husband and I were not receptive to the neurologist's recommendation of surgery at TCH.

Our journey: Dec. 2002 sent a video tape to TCH per neurologist, TCH recommended surgery, March 2003 drove to NY for picnic where Dr. Nath evaluated Khiron in person and surgery was scheduled for May 19, insurance denied coverage, coverage approved, airline tickets were paid for by my Uncle (husb, both sons (Khiron free), my Mom, myself), stayed at the Marriott for $ 400 for the whole 7 nights we were in TX, surgery went great, and Khiron was himself the day after! Plus, various family members and friends made donations towards our trip and my mother-in-law provided my boys with a summer wardrobe!

Thanks be to GOD for HIS wonderful Blessings and guidance!

I pray the same guidance for you and Blessings on your son. And may God's Blessings continue in all our lives and the lives of our precious little ones!

Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:44 am
by tina arvizu
Gabrielle and I will add your son to our prayers tonight. I do think that the prayers we have gotten through church, friends and family have helped Gabrielle's recovery. I also feel that God created a perfect child. It was not he who injured my baby but a human. Humans make mistakes with God's miracles all the time. I prayed for God to take me to someone who could fix another mistake and he did. Now I pray that God did his magic again and created a perfect little boy (to be delivered in one week!) And this time with all my new found knowledge I can help keep him that way through a safe delivery. We will all pray for your son's recovery. God Bless.

Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:35 am
by admin
I have been thinking about your post for a while now. I think that the responses you've received so far have been great. It's obvious that this message board has "grown up" a lot in terms of tolerance of different opinions. But your post made me think more about what I believe in and I hope you don't mind if I post my feelings here even if they may be different.

I can ask the question, if I pray so hard and if I pray every day and if I have complete faith in God and I am truly his devoted servant, then why does my child still have a severe injury? Why didn't my child heal completely? I prayed for it? Why didn't we get our prayers answered?

Through circumstances we have all arrived at this place. But why does one child do better and another child not do good at all? Why does one child "look" normal and another child "look" completely deformed? Why does one child have multiple surgeries and another child not? Is any person less of a person? Does any person deserve healing more or less than another person?

These are questions that have gone through my mind for years and in the last few years my faith in God has been really tested.

I know that you have a true, core faith in God and that you want to pray for 100% recovery and I think that's great. But what happens if by chance your child does have a severe injury and does require surgery ? Will you lose faith in God? I hope not.

I think that God loves our babies no matter what their physical bodies are like. Physical bodies are really low on the totem poll in terms of priority. I think that God is more interested in looking inside at the heart and at the soul. I think that the physical body and the path we take is the DIVERSITY that God wants us to have in order for us to learn whatever it is we have to learn in this lifetime.

God gave us all the tools to learn His lesson of Love. He set us on the path. I believe that this lesson is the only piece that's a true priority in His eyes.

My child has a severe injury and has had multiple surgeries. But when I hear my child sing and when I see her dance and when I see her run and play like any other child, I praise the Lord! Every single day I drop to my knees and thank God FOR healing her. If she can sing and if she can laugh and have so much joy, then she truly IS 100% HEALED.

These are just my thoughts. I hope that I didn't offend anyone.

Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:52 am
by LeeAnne

Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:00 am
by Dean-na
Wow! that really hit the nail on the head. That really sums it up in a nut shell. I don't think there is much more than I can add to that previous post by Null.


Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:21 am
by Melissa_Allison
I could not have said it better myself.


Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:23 am
by jennyinsandiego
you brought tears to my eyes. That IS what counts,
thank you,

Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:16 pm
by Layne
I believe that God gives us trials so that we can grow. I would never desire what we are going through right now, but I look at my beautiful baby boy and I see all the people's lives he has affected in a really positive way, it is amazing to me. I have people literally all over the county praying for my baby. I truly believe that God blesses us through our trials. I also firmly believe that He has blessed the Dr.s that help to "fix" our kids by blessing them with the knowledge and inspiration to figure out that we can take a muscle from over here and put it over there and make it work...THAT is amazing to me... We do not always get our prayers answered the waye we want either, this is where the real faith comes in... There is a plan for all of us, we just may not know it yet. God will give us nothing that we cannot handle. Take this life altering experience and grow... that is all we can do... This is just my belief... I know that He has helped my son and my family....

Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 7:52 pm
by admin
Great discussion here!
I believe that God needs us to work with him to make healing happen. I 100% BELIEVE in his work and his miracles. I actually have more faith in him today than ever before. Some may wonder why I have more faith today knowing that I have an injured child and they may bring up the question, "well, if there were God why would he do this to your daughter?"
My answer: God gave her to me b/c he knew I would care for her and give her the best medical attention necessary. God gave her to me b/c he knew I can do this, I can stay strong even if I am sad and I can care for my baby with this injury day in and day out. God knows that I am willing to learn about what I can do to help her and what I need to do to help her recover. God knows that I will love her even if her left arm is different. He knows that I WILL NEVER tell her that she cannot accomplish something just b/c of her arm. He knows that I am the best mom for Mariella and she is JUST PERFECT and always will be in my eyes. Afterall, he has given me my strength to cope, my patience to get thought tough times and my faith to believe in him. He has given me the power of knowledge to learn more about this injury everyday. He is the one who brought me on the Internet several days after I was told, "DO not worry, Ella will be just fine."
He is the one who brought me to her specialist. He is the one who works the hands of our specialists as they try to "fix" our children.
I believe he brought all of us together. We are brought here at different times, but we find our way.
I pray every day and every night for God to continue to give me his blessings and his power to help heal my daugther. All of you are in my prayers along with everyone in this world who lives with this injury everyday.
This post is my opinion and not meant to offend anyone.
There will never be a day that the world agrees on prayer, religion, faith, Lords, etc...but as long as we have faith in what we believe, we will continue to see brighter days.