IEP Meeting done!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: IEP Meeting done!

Post by Francine_Litz »

Got a note from a friend to clarify the "camp injury" thing that happened to Maia..... for those who weren't around last year, Maia was re-injured at a small arts day camp that I sent her too... I figured that she would be safe there... no major sports, they sit at a picnic table and do all different kind of arts, and they had music and dance and instruments and things like that. I educated the whole staff... even put a heart on her left sleeve (Lefty is a Special Arm) ... it was a 13 year old assistant counselor that picked Maia up by the arms... we figure it was a stretch injury because even though she lost all of her function, it all came back, but she was re-dislocated.
It was that same counselor who didn't take time to watch Maia on the stairs and Maia fell down a flight of narrow and steep stairs and that where the fear of doing stairs came from... she has been emotionally incapacitated by this ever since...

so just wanted to clarify that it was NOT the UBPN camp that she was injured at.

BTW thanks for all your great responses. Now time will tell if the school program is as great as it sounded! I have this feeling it is... it's the blue ribbon school of the district. But I'll still hope and pray about it and get nauseated a week before school starts!

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Joined: Fri May 10, 2002 8:10 pm

Re: IEP Meeting done!

Post by LeeAnne »

michaela has always been afraid of stairs. It took 4 months of her P.T. doing stairs indoors and out and sliding board ladders to get the fear out of her.Just a few weeks ago she came in exclaiming she got up the sliding board ladder by herself and wanted to show me.Such small things to us but major phobias for our kids.