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Re: learning to crawl

Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 4:23 pm
by PeggyF
This reminds me of a children's yoga class that my daughter was in-- they pretended to be animals, also.
It was fun and good therapy, too!


Re: learning to crawl

Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 7:27 pm
by admin
Thanks so much for the ideas. I think that we are definitely going to try the tunnel. That sounds fun! We have taken to crawling ourselves to get around as well so I am glad to know that we aren't crazy! It is amazing what parents come up with...

As far as weight bearing outside of crawling, he does weight bear but probably not as much as he should. When he is lying on his tummy, he will push himself up with his disabled arm into a sitting position. He does try to use his arm, he just gets frustrated and that leads to me helping him more than is best for him.

Re: learning to crawl

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 3:23 pm
by sunflowers
My son learned to army crawl first he could never extent his elbow to crawl with total weight bearing on his arm this may be a way to start,?
good luck it is an imortant step and you may have to get down there with him.

Keep trying!