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Re: Outreach!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:38 pm
by 4Jake
We got ours 2 days ago and I still haven't got to look at it. Crystal has read it from cover to cover and Jake has gotten a hold of it and its a little crumpled. Maybe tomorrow. Crystal did say it was good and I should read it. If I could ever be of assistance I and my family would be more than happy to volunteer!!!!

Re: Outreach!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 7:25 pm
by claudia
I got mine yesterday and it was wonderful.

Everytime I get a new Outreach I think about what it was like with a baby with BPI and Kathy Reilly sent me her most recent copy and few back copies...I read them over and over...

Thank you to Bridget for starting it all and thank you to all who put it together for keeping it going...the world may be going "internet", but there is something incredibly special about holding paper in your hands and reading.

Hey Francine, come on by, you can borrow my copy!!!

It was so nice of UBPN to put camp in my neck of the woods and I can't even go (family wedding--boo hoo).


Re: Outreach!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:46 pm
by Lenni
Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to all those who work to get this Outreach Magazine together, you should all pat yourselves oh the back for a beautiful product!!! I am flabergasted, awe struck and utterley thrilled to have received this publication and I Thank you all for sending it my way!

Still crying after reading the tribute to Hazel.........what can I say ..... I am deeply moved by it all.

God Bless us all,


Re: Outreach!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 2:46 pm
by CW1992
Well I'm finally getting my chance to sit down and read my Outreach and had to stop in the middle of page 4 - didn't make it too far yet - (Nancy's article) and wanted to say how much I like the phrase about Camp - "in this environment, one doesn't need to explain". It hit me hard - so many things have been coming up with Britt lately (and always have) that I struggle with if I should 'explain' or not. An environment with acceptance without questions sounds so nice. OK - I'm off to read some more and I'll try not to comment on every phrase I like. Nancy - thanks for the great article.

Re: Outreach!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:42 pm
by jody o.
Just a quick note...loved reading Outreach once again. Much thanks to everyone involved in putting it together. I love seeing the pictures (the baby on the back cover...brought back memories of my little guy). I love the pictures and articles. Since I have become a little lax about doing PT with my little guy, I was interested in the article about the Dyna-Splint. Got me to thinking, so I cut it out and, well, we'll see...thanks again.

Re: Outreach!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 5:19 pm
by Francine_Litz
the neat thing about the Outreach is that every time you read it you'll "get" something else out of it. I've saved all of mine and I reread them all the time.