time to open up

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:05 pm

Re: time to open up

Post by frankie »

To Anna:

The only pain that I ever really felt was the pain of the deep onset of depression. The cutting in some odd and very morbid reason actually felt better. That was such a wrong way to feel better, I am glad that I have learned different. Anna, I did not see your e-mail if you have any more personal questions that you do not want others to see please e-mail me I would be very happy to talk to you.

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Joined: Fri Oct 25, 2002 8:01 am

Re: time to open up

Post by gabriele »

Hello Frankie,
just some thinking...
I am the italian ROBPI, 32, what can I say to you? If I understand what you said (it's not easy since I speak a little english), we have similar physical condition.
I came into this site while I was looking for sports adaptations for people like us...I really do like sports outdoor. I live what it's called an "active life". And probably I will open a topic about this argument.
You could desume from this that I am light - years distance from your state of mind....
...well, this is not true. I spent a couple-of-years-salary for a good shrink (still going on).
Sometimes I feel really bad, but, since outside I live a normal life (not normal, very active, much more than average italian people of 32), people around me always answer me (when I say that I feel bad): "Bad? Well, not more bad than any other, it 's normal..".
Instead I would not think that. There something so strong in this bad feelings, that push me to go to a shrink.
To me it is not the material physical limitations to cause sadness (I am not depressed, until now), but other things such as:
acceptation by other people of mine problem;
external image of me to others, especially women;
and other things

And to you? What is that causes your depression?
=) Well, I know it's easy to ask but not easy to answer...

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Re: time to open up

Post by B'smom »

Hi Frankie,

So glad that you felt comfortablee to open up to all of us. It takes guts!! Keep talking even if it gets too hard. Its very healing. Some times you have to walk thru some fire...

I will keep you in my prayers and pray for your healing.You cant change the past but you can forgive it and forgiving yourself first is the most important.

Take care.
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Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2002 8:38 pm

Re: time to open up

Post by pattisy »

Frankie, I'm really glad you felt comfortable to share. But more important is whether you are proud of yourself for doing so. I appreciate your bravery in sharing: it helps me as a parent know how to better help my son. I'm sorry you had such horrible experiences. God has a plan for us all: perhaps his plan for you is to touch others lives through teaching and sharing about your injury. I hope that you continue to visit this board and share your insight with us all so we all can grow....