Halloween is around the corner....

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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by CW1992 »

Well I always dress up like a witch - the kids want me to be more creative this year - I might let them dress me up! My kids are a little older. Brittney wants to be something like "The Queen of Nightmares" - wants a screw to come out of her forehead this year...last year it was a third eye that was on her forhead. I remember when she was Baby Bop and her Dad was Barney! Sabrina can't decide - probably will go with Sponge. Chip hasn't decided yet - He is usually one of the only Dad's that dresses up to take the kids around - he loves it as much as they do. Does anybody's kids get in to some serious trading afterwards?? I love to watch the kids and their friends all toss their candy all over the floor and start in on the trading - - 5 packs of candy corns go for 1 Kit Kat bar, or 3 tootsie rolls are equal to one bubble gum - stuff like that - it's so funny to watch them put a candy value on everything. The school the kids go to has 600 kids from pre-K up to fifth and the entire school dresses up for Halloween, even the teachers, and they have a parade in the morning. I love Halloween!
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by admin »

My kiddies are still young so we picked up a couple of costumes at GAP.

Brianna,2,is going to be a lion an Emilio,8 mos,is going to be a Monkey.

I will probably paint my face and dress up as something but dont know what to dress up as yet!

Great Post!
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My oldest daughter suffered a LOBPI. We were sent home form the hospital without being told anything was wrong. She had nerve graft surgery at one year of age, tendon transfer and release at 3 1/2 yrs of age.
Location: Indiana

Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by Cara »

This is the first year Rosalynnis going trick or treating, last year she was just one and we were packing and heading off for surgery so we didn't take her out. She is going to be a lady bug.

I had to laugh at the sponge bob and wiggles comments! Why is it kids latch on to the most annoying TV shows!?!

The school were I teach has a trick or treat night so the kids are in a safe environment getting candy from people they know. I thought it was a great idea. We have just moved and I feel a lot more comfortable taking her there than around town. My hubby is excited, he was like, if she gets candy she can't eat I get it right! LOL
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by Beth »

Patrick is going to be a powerranger (3) Olivia is going to be a cheerleader(6) and Kendra is going to be an indian(2). Halloween is such fun. 2 years ago patrick had his mod quad splint on for halloween and I dressed him as the statue of liberty complete with a flashlight lit torch tied to the end of his splint. He was a big hit. Everyone kept saying "How is he keeping his arm up for so long?" Awareness anyone? Have a great Halloween.
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by Barbara »

My granddaughter Grace is going to be Minnie Mouse and has the cutest little outfit to wear complete with a mouse ears headband. Since she's only 6 1/2 mo. old and has only 2 teeth, I don't think she'll be eating any candy; I guess her parents will have to do that!

Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by Michelle_16 »

WOW arent your ideas funky! In Scotland Hallowe'en is celebrated and LOADSA kids come to our house but in England it doesnt seem so big...dunno y that is!

This year...im not goin round houses im goin to the school hallowe'en disco! Im goin as a turkish belly dancer! cant wait! Last year i went as a mermaid lol so im really gonna b known as the girl who likes to turn up wearin a piece of material!....at least i get to dance and b comfy! HA.....

well have fun everyone!

Michelle =x=
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by christy »

fairy princess here if we can keep the princess from throwing a tantrum and refusing to wear her hat! We will be attending a huge "Block party" the weekend before so that she can be safe, get her candy fix and still get to pass out candy to her "guests" that come around trick or treating. She has just gotten into being a hostess and really gets into inviting people in and making them feel welcome. She got awfully friendly with the electrician this evening so maybe I shouldn's let her answer the door with us yet....hmmm

everyone's ideas sound wonderful--especially the OZ family thing. have fun everyone!
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....


This is Hailey's first halloween so she is going to be a pumpkin, someone once told me its some unknown rule that all babies first halloween they have to be a pumpkin. I don't know if that is true but she looks really cute! Have fun and be safe everyone!
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Re: Halloween is around the corner....

Post by admin »

Don't know what my kids are going to be yet, or if mom is going to weasel out again and do the kids pick out their own candy and we make popcorn and watch movies all night....Halloween is too scary for me after 9/11..sounds wimpy huhh ???? Sorry....two years ago though my little guy was the statue of liberty.....yes after mod quad and people asked us too how he kept his arm up for so long !!!! Yes, AWARENESS !!!