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Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:57 pm
by kissygoose
I'd be interested in taking part in this study though going to the Mayo Clinic and Florida are out for me. If something is arrainged for the Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philidelphia or etc. areas, however, I would probably be able to attend.
Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:44 am
by AngelaW
Excellent. Please email me at the address I listed in the primary post so i can keep you updated in the schreduling info. i'm working on getting the first round scheduled this coming week. Yay!

Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:32 pm
by rachelcasa
It sounds like a great study but I am in Montana and of course the cost would be an issue..I am curious as to how this turns out and thanks for posting it on here.
Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:52 am
by karategirl1kyu
do we know whats going on yet with the new york meeting?

im curious and excited!!
Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:40 pm
by Carolyn J
Carolyn J
Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:35 pm
by Evan J
Hi everyone, Im Evan Johnson, 21 LOBPI. I havent gotten on here in a long time and just happened to stop in and see what was new on the forums. I was so surprised and pleased to see the post about this study at the top of the forum. Dr. Elhassen did a total shoulder reconstruction for me when I was nineteen years old. So I too am just 2 years post op. He did 4 muscle transfers, 4 tendon transfers, and a bone graft. Two years and two months ago I only had 20 percent range of motion. Since the surgery I have upwards of 80 percent. The surgery did not do anything for the considerable amount of nerve pain but I cannot stress how much he did for my range of motion. I use my arm so much more. I feel like Im seeing colors that I didn't know existed. I can even throw a damn solid punch with my bpi arm. He restored almost all of the potential function to my shoulder. Now its just up to me to work through the pain. I have damage to c5,6,7,8 and T1, and 2. If Dr. Elhassen can do this for me, he can do it for anyone. I hope I can encourage anyone in doubt to take the chance and at least let the man have a look. He is cross trained as an orthopedic and nuero surgeon. God Bless and good luck to all of my pseudo-brothers and sisters in injury.
Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:48 pm
by Carolyn J
Bumping up for Steve???Numbers didn't retain...LOL...
Carolyn J

Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:05 pm
by jodiehodge
Hello All, I have been a member of UBPN for a long time but never made a post. To make a long story short...(as so many others also do

) I was born with a LOBPI. I have had no surgeries ever or any other treatment outside of physical therapy I received as an infant. Every doctor/surgeon (none were BPI specialist) that I went to as a child and an adult in the Washington DC Metro area told me that anything could ever be done in my situation and I should be grateful with the ROM that I have. In my heart, I always felt something should and could be done. And now at the ripe old age of 34 years, I am experiencing more pain and discomfort. In turn, after reading about Dr. Elhassan's research that Angela posted, I contacted him and asked to meet. I had the awesome experience meeting this man who knew every trick in the book I used to hide my BPI but most importantly he was empathetic and willing to help listen and help me. He presented me with 'options' that no other doctor ever did before. Over the years my ROM and pain has increased. My shoulder is absolutely dislocated amoung other things. He is recommending that I have a total shoulder reconstructive surgery and elbow flexion extension (afterwards). I really want the surgery but I am so scared. I don't want to lose the ROM and any function that I have now. After reading Angela's posts as well as Evan Johnson's postings, I feel so positive about the potential possibilities of what I may be able to do with my arm in the future. Still, unlike many of the postings I have read, everyone had some surgery prior to having a shoulder reconstruction with muscle tendon transfers. Is there anyone who never had any surgery and is now getting surgery for the first time from a BPI specialist??? Also I would love to talk to Evan or Angela, or anyone else that has gone through any treatment or surgeries with Dr. Elhassan. I really want to get an idea of their experience. Thanks for listening Jodie LOBPI 34years

Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:30 pm
by Carolyn J
Calling TINA!!
Carolyn J
Re: IMPORTANT!!!! New Video and New Study needs Adult OBPI's
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:40 am
by Carolyn J
newcomers to UBPN. Welcome! & please contact this Mayo Study.
Carolyn J