Staying Positive

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Posts: 82
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:35 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: extensive right side brachial plexus injury as a result of a motorcycle accident on 8/25/10.

Re: Staying Positive

Post by djk »

i think it is important to try and remain as positive as possible about life. i also think it is important to allow yourself to feel all the emotions that come about. i think it is, under the circumstances, normal to be sad/mad/depressed/confused/unhappy/etc. at times and to just feel it. the important thing is to find things that bring happiness/joy/smiles/etc. and to feel that. its ok to be down for periods of time, not ok to wallow in it for extended periods. be positive for as much as you can but it all is not a bed of roses so allow yourself down periods. i find myself getting freaked out by the dumbest stuff like velcro that sticks to stuff it is not supposed to. like i'm putting on a sling and the velcro on the strap sticks to my stocking cap sitting next to me. :roll: man, the hardships in life. :)
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:50 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: During my right shoulder surgery about three months ago three nerves in my arm were stretched causing my Brachial Plexus Palsy. The outer part of my upper arm is numb to touch, as well as the inside of my forearm. This continues up to the palm of my hand to my thumb and pointer finger. I have movement in my hand but that is about it. I am unable to pick up my arm at all. I had the crushing and burning hand for about two months, but now it had dulled out. I am nineteen years old and played volleyball for a college. I went back for my second semester of college but had to medically withdraw. We are now waiting to see if the nerve wakes up, if there are no differences at the end of the month we are going to visit the Mayo Clinic to see what surgical options I might have.

Re: Staying Positive

Post by MadisonB »

I am truly inspired by all of you guys who do not let your TBPI get you down. And I think I painted a poor picture of myself. I am not sad 24/7. I have too many blessings to not smile for most of the day. As football BPI mom said "I can still walk", that is my feeling for most of the day. But as djk said I meet those "velcro" times that hit me like a brick. For me it is when I can't put my own hair up. I am very particular about how I look and no one can do your hair like yourself. I think most girls can relate to that. Asking people to unbutton my pants for me while I was still in school never got old though haha. Like Football Mom also said, it was easy while I was at school because I injured myself playing volleyball for my college and that is what lead to my surgery, so they were aware of everything. I admire your son, Football Mom, for still sticking with this semester. I went back the first week and struggled. I was a college athlete but most importantly I was an honors scholar with a high GPA. And if I had stuck with this semester I would have done poorly. I am an english major, and not being able to dissect a poem by writing in a book was what opened my eyes to it all. I feel I made the wise choice in medically withdrawing. I get to read all I want (thank the dear Lord for Ipads)! And my GPA doesn't suffer. And most importantly I am with my parents, who are being strong for me. Anyways, the hard thing for me is the uncertainty. But it will all be alright. If anyone has any good books, tell me the titles!
Posts: 528
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:43 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: brachial plexus stretch during thoracic outlet syndrome surgery on may 18, 2010.

Re: Staying Positive

Post by jmar »

madison you did not paint a bad picture of yourself. just the ugly truth about this injury. it is like losing your best friend. you learn to cope with it, live with it, accept it, and keep your head up knowing that it will get better with time. you may or may not get the functioning back, but either way, you will not let this injury get you down either. i hope you get it all back.
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Re: Staying Positive

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

I think , I dreaming sling a arm! Please dont tell me it so.
:( I never had nothing done,treatment or operation---Baby to till about 11, I had my Erbs arm splited to sleep over my head,Who_NUTS!!!! They dont do this any MOre RIGHT?????? :(
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Re: Staying Positive

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

Now the positive,
I do think I should tell you that I have 2 bad arms, after driving semis for 25 years I slip of my semi and caught my fall back into traffic caught my fall with 3 fingers, carpal tunnel,radial nerve damage and tore my deltoid so bad it was discounted and reattach. Because of my left erbs to fix my right arm I would be a invalided :( The positive is I still dive islands and I customize a 2005 Gto. Its on page 29, 2 tone silver. ultimate gto sight,, STAY POSITIVE ;)

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Re: Staying Positive

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

I am sorry about the spint thing :roll: I just wish a splint did not hyper extend a steach nerve you guys? or how I could not do it any more after 11. To me support your injury to take the weight off the streach is,Very Important for sure. Who Splinting or slinging at sleep , You MOVE when you sleep.Did you Ever wake up in sleep with a splint or sling on?
Posts: 528
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:43 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: brachial plexus stretch during thoracic outlet syndrome surgery on may 18, 2010.

Re: Staying Positive

Post by jmar »

bpi mom stated that her son can still walk. that was an issue with me for a few months. although i could still walk, my balance was way off. i had a problem walking up and down steps. walked like i was drunk at times and just could not keep my balance very well. i am fine now but it was like that when my arm was newly injured.
Football BPI Mom
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Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:51 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My son had a football injury Nov. 20, 2010.

Re: Staying Positive

Post by Football BPI Mom »

The mom in me has to defend the football player a little since football players sometimes have poor adacemic reputations. My son attends an Ivy League school and is a double major. His GPA was the highest of the seniors on the team and he received recognition as a scholar-athlete.

I don't think you painted a poor picture of yourself at all. My son is in a bit of a different time, going in to his last semester rather than his first year of college. I also think females would have a few more challenges than males. Hair, make-up, clothes, etc. My son basically shaves his head so that makes it pretty simple. :D By the tone of some of the text messages I know he has had his less than positive times as well. I don't know how anyone with this injury wouldn't have their moments.

You sound like a great person with a great head on your shoulders and I am sure you will make the best of your situation. Good luck and if there is anything I can answer (or get an answer from my son) just let me know.
Posts: 528
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:43 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: brachial plexus stretch during thoracic outlet syndrome surgery on may 18, 2010.

Re: Staying Positive

Post by jmar »

footballbpimom, i did not mean to say anything negative about your son. my point was that when the arm has no feeling in it, it throws off a person's balance. i never thought about that before my injury. sorry about that. i hope your son has a very good recovery.
Posts: 759
Joined: Tue May 05, 2009 11:51 am

Re: Staying Positive

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

Balance issues?? Growing up with ERBS, I ended up with a tree trunk for a good arm. I lean a little but I never had a balance issue. I am very interest how you end up with a balance issue from our types of injuries? I have simple grasp and I always try to carry something in my erbs hand walking when I could. If you put something in your hand like say a pen like DOLE :D you keep your mine connected to the injured side to. Will this work for you no clue, I only have balance problem when on a Dive boat ;) I always hope that I explain things ok ? But it is better to try here its a voice of many to help best you can ;)

Best Wishes,