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Re: EMG hide something???

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:44 am
by Master DIVER TOM
I thought I would try to answer the neve stretch issue in my Erbs Left arm and hand maybe it will help. I had torn nerves and stretch nerves the nerves never got better in my life time nor have I ever had treatment or had options you have so many, so confusing. I do use ice on the nerves and tried to take weight of the arm and hand, that helps. The nerves never got better but I did drive a semi to for years. You guys are doing great your trying stay that way. I thing some day if not now, treatment in the future will do more in nerve transplants and taking tension off the nerve fibers ASAP, its important how to do it become so confusing to me? So to late to do what time and effort will tell. But information to have ASAP for these injuries do not come with a how to book for sure. How does a person not become angry and confused, I did to, but I had no option for treatment ether . Tenacity goes a long way and it came from my anger to overcome what I could, I hope I help?Tenacity ;)

Best Wishes,

Padi Master Diver Tom

Re: EMG hide something???

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:16 am
by jmar
djk, the EMG is a test to find pinched nerves. one pinched nerve can affect the functioning of the hand or other body parts. the muscle depends on the nerve to be able to contract. if the nerve is not working properly, the muscle cant work. if this is wrong, someone please let me know. this is how i understood the explanation i was given. if you dont know an answer to a question, it is only stupid if you dont ask.

Re: EMG hide something???

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:41 am
by AngelaW
Djk is actuall correct in that for bp injuries the emg typically tests for nerve function, but does not diagnose the cause, and that the brachial plexus injury revolves aound a set of nerves connected to the spinal column (check out the description of a bp injury on the front page of this site. ... on-studies ... ry/DS00897

Jmar is correct in that a pinched nerve can affect function.

Re: EMG hide something???

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:00 pm
by jmar
thank you angela. the EMG/nerve study showed i had a pinched ulnar nerve. it may be a different type of study? i dont know