Hello Everyone!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2004 3:20 pm

Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by katep »


I absolutely don't doubt that at all. But YOU knew something was wrong and it definitely was not just that Brandon's arm was weak, right? This child's arm is not paralyzed and never was. That is the telltale sign of nerve injury. You don't start out "weak" after the injury... you start out "paralyzed" and it recovers INTO weakness after some period of time. Even "stingers" - where the nerve is only temporarily impacted, result in a completely limp arm for a period of time.

I am absolutely not saying there couldn't be a conspiracy. The referral to a PT without any further diagnosis is definitely a questionable decision. And your suggestion of getting a neutral examiner was a very good one.

But there is no way, from the way this was described, that this a BPI.

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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Krista »

Well, I haven't been on in a few days, but rather than reply to you all individually... I'll sum it up here. Thank you all for your thoughts, suggestions and ideas.

We are continuing with the OT. The OT has also pointed out a slight weekness in my daughter's leg as well (same side as arm). We went back to the physician today. The doctor was vague, and offered no diagnosis or even possible thoughts on what the problem might be. I asked her to give me a referral to a neurologist (at the OT's suggestion) and she did so. It's really frustrating, I just want to know A:what's wrong with my daughter and B: will it get better.

Now, we just wait and see what happens next.
Posts: 1240
Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2004 3:20 pm

Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by katep »


Thanks so much for keeping us updated. I hope that the neurologist will be more helpful than your regular doctor. He sounds very annoying!!! Please let us know what you eventually find out about her condition.

And feel free to vent here anytime. Even if your daughter turns out not to have BPI, we still all here (unfortunately) know a thing or two about dealing with the medical system and annoying and frequently clueless doctors!! At least you are on the road to getting some answers, and hopefully with a diagnosis you will have some idea of how to better help your daughter.


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Location: Northern California

Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by rbwalton »

Do you know if anyone else in your family has similar problems with arm or leg weakness? I mentioned above that Neuralgic Amyothrophy can cause arm and hand weakness. It is most common for it to impact the brachial plexus- but it(especially the hereditary type)can also impact other plexus sites- Legs would be within the realm of possibility.

> Well, I haven't been on in a few days, but rather
> than reply to you all individually... I'll sum it up
> here. Thank you all for your thoughts, suggestions
> and ideas.
> We are continuing with the OT. The OT has also
> pointed out a slight weekness in my daughter's leg as
> well (same side as arm). We went back to the
> physician today. The doctor was vague, and offered no
> diagnosis or even possible thoughts on what the
> problem might be. I asked her to give me a referral
> to a neurologist (at the OT's suggestion) and she did
> so. It's really frustrating, I just want to know
> A:what's wrong with my daughter and B: will it get
> better.
> Now, we just wait and see what happens next.
Good Luck!!!