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Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:12 am
by acanneg
Well, my injury is on my right arm, and the left hand is the one with the crazy fingerings on bassoon more so than the right. The hardest part was how the right hand needs to be kind of behind you on the side. As with all of these things, we just kind of make it work.

It is interesting to read on here about the different struggles people with LOBPI have vs ROBPI, things that I had never thought about, like going through the drive through or toll booths. For some odd reason, I ended up right handed, so my 'social' struggles are writing on the chalk board, shaking hands and so on.

When you were in your conducting class, did you use both arms, I tried out for drum major in high school, and didnt last very far in the tryouts, because my right arm would be facing the side instead of the front...with no external rotation. Anyways, just wondering how you did it, I love conducting in church and small groups, but always just use the left arm.

Hope all is well with everyone :)

Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:46 pm
by Evan J
Its awesome to read how many of us play instruments! I think for many of us it becomes an obsession to be able to play an instrument like everyone else. I know it has been for me. I'm LOBPI and have been playing guitar for almost 6 years and am totally obsessed. Playing the guitar right handed with an LOBPI has been extremely difficult but totally worth it. I play for hours every day. We should all get together and jam! you guys are awesome.

pickin in Illinois,

Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:07 pm
by Carolyn J
I do hope all of you who play instruments will come to CAMP 2010---I refer you to the Forum "Camp 2010"--- so you all can Jam for us...that would really be good for the young BPI-ERS!! Inspiration come to mind as well as fun entertainment....
Carolyn J
LOBPI/70 & getting younger ;)

Message was edited by: Carolyn J

Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:38 pm
by concernedmom
Hi, I'm new to this site and was looking for information. My daughter, who is now 16 has Obstetrical Brachial Plexus of her left arm. At birth, she had no movement in the arm, but after 6 months of physical therapy, she seemed cured. I had wasn't aware of any limitations until recently. She can't fully extend her arm or turn it over. Lately, she's been complaining of alot of pain in her joints and overall numbness in the affected arm. I took her to a GP who just put it in a sling. I thought it might be carpal tunnel and she's worn a brace at night. I'm going to set-up an appt. with a Neurologist. Are there any who specialize in this particular injury? Has this injury been known to worsen with age? I appreciate any help or advice.

Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:27 am
by acanneg
Mine never hurt until that age. I never complained about it really, and just compensated the whole time. When I was around 16, it started hurting a lot. I just think of it as being because of those growth spurts...

I have not gone through any surgeries yet, just done some physical therapy. I have learned a lot through this board, and hope you do too.

ROBPI - 24

Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:06 am
by cdmurfee
Andrea, in conducting class I used both arms. I was really bad the first time I did it, but after reviewing my tape, I made a 180 in the class and surprised my profesor. I usually just go one arm now and use my left for page turns, but I'll also conduct important passages with both arms for clarity and purpose of my intent. I took a tai chi class at the same time which got me to be more aware and comfortable with my space and use of both arms, although I couldn't quit do all the tai chi moves correctly, but I did my best. Sometimes my arm would ache while conducting, but I just let it rest when it does, and usually it's 2nd wind has much more endurance than the 1st wind.

All my best, Chris 24/LOBPI

Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:09 am
by LJSL0330
Welcome Chris! I wish I'd found a group like then when I was your age! Like you, I never really knew what was wrong with my arm until I was an adult. Like others posting in this thread, my mom felt responsible and never wanted to talk about it. (Until about 5 years ago, I thought the damage was to my MUSCLE, not to the nerves.) Remember one thing: You do not have a DISORDER, you have a birth injury. It ma sound like a small thing, but it can make a huge mental difference!

The main thing with "getting worse" that I've found - I'm 41 - is overuse of my UNaffected arm causing trouble. Read my posts about A.R.T. for more info on those issues.

Again, welcome!

Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:21 pm
by marieke
I played clarinet for 7 years and piano for 2. I loved being in high school band, I miss it! (and it's been years!). I still have my clarinet and sheet music :)

Marieke 33, LOBPI

Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:26 pm
by marieke
Hi, I'm new to this site and was looking for information. My daughter, who is now 16 has Obstetrical Brachial Plexus of her left arm. At birth, she had no movement in the arm, but after 6 months of physical therapy, she seemed cured. I had wasn't aware of any limitations until recently. She can't fully extend her arm or turn it over. Lately, she's been complaining of alot of pain in her joints and overall numbness in the affected arm. I took her to a GP who just put it in a sling. I thought it might be carpal tunnel and she's worn a brace at night. I'm going to set-up an appt. with a Neurologist. Are there any who specialize in this particular injury? Has this injury been known to worsen with age? I appreciate any help or advice.

Your daughter should be seen by a BPI specialist. They know what can be done to help her at this point. A neurologist can help a bit, but you really need to find someone who understands this injury.
there is a list here of MDs who are specialists.

It's not so much that the injury gets worse, but more that it can cause more problems with pain in BOTH shoulders/joints due to overuse of the good arm, or arthritis in the injured arm. It can cause scoliosis as we sit "crooked" and do things to twist our bodies to be able to do certain things.

Marieke 33, LOBPI

Re: Gets worse with age?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:53 am
by concernedmom
Thanks for your help. I will make an appt. with a BPI specialist.