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Re: College Life...Questions

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:27 pm
by marieke
Hey, vent away! We don't mind!! LOL

Re: College Life...Questions

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:33 am
by swimhappy
See if your health center offers massages! I know that getting regular massages last year helped a lot with my tense muscles. When I got to school this year, the health center told me right off the bat that they offer free head/neck massages (I've been meaning to go sign up for some actually!). Massages also good for your BPI arm because it helps with blood flow.

Re: College Life...Questions

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:18 pm
by RobertRacer
Don't you worry about complaining one bit here. We all understand, I sure do. I complain all the time and probably don't follow my own advice here enough too. I'm not getting on you, I'm just saying in my experience, it's mostly inside me having the courage and strength to do things. I know theres physical pain and emotional insecurity. I've let it stop me at times and I just end up getting even worse mad at myself for it. My whole point it just keep pushing through no matter what. We're all the same here, I'm no different from you, just giving you advice on what I know I should be doing too. I for one, like everyone else here, am here for you whenever you want to complain.

Your professor sounds like a straight douche! I've had them too, just do your best and tough out the semester. Some professors are just like that to everyone.

Wear your sling as much as you feel like you need to though. Sometimes it helps aleviate some of the pain by taking pressure of the shoulder joint. And if the school's gym has a pool, I'd use it. Just being in the water helps my arm a lot.

Good luck!

Re: College Life...Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:03 pm
by Its1105

Thanks again for all the advice and the listening to me vent! It is nice to just get it all off my chest.

Sadly my school doesnt offer the free massages! haha. I wish! I do work at the RecCenter at my school though, so I am going to try to get into the pool sometime soon (it is always so busy!) to move my arm around a bit more.

I rocked my rolling backpack today haha. I am trying to be more confident about it all.

I think just going into a surgery expecting to be better (or the same), but just never thought id be 10 times worse... its been crazy hard to accept. I know i will get through it all - especially thanks to all of u!

Re: College Life...Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:57 am
by Melissa B
I just graduated in December. My advice is to use the rolling backpack. Not doing so can result in injury to the unaffected arm. Due to limited range of motion, I have to raise a backpack full of books with my "good arm" above my head to even wear a backpack. No sense in hurting the arm that is so important to my everyday life.

I understand the frustration that results from being different. On bad days, I remind myself that it could be worse. I'm able to do almost anything I want. This might not be the case with other problems like cerebal palsy, blindness, or muscular dystrophy. Additionally, this is an injury not a birth defect so I don't have to worry about passing it onto my children.

Good Luck