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Re: New..Advice and What to Expect

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:57 pm
by Athanys Hope
:0) I am a newbie to the UBPN my son is 3 years old and God do I wish I would have found you guys sooner. Unfortunately it was too late, I probably could've prevented a lot. BUT... If I've learned anything it's that everything happens for a reason and I would never change it. Well if I could pass anything to a new mommy is live everyday like it's your last. Take in ever moment of it because time fly's. Remember to breathe! Lol as silly as it sounds so much will start happening that you will forget. The best advice I've ever gotten was trust yourself. Your her mommy and will never make the wrong decision. It will always be the best decision you can make. It's not always about "fixing" the problem but about living Life's experience! (Thanks F-Liz:)!) We are currently making the final decision for surgery and I cant believe we're here. When he was born and all the way until he was 2 1/2 years we didn't know we had a choice. Keep going until you know it's right!!! Many prayers!

Please feel free to email me:

Re: New..Advice and What to Expect

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:01 pm
by Kristie
What I really wish I had known was to not let this injury take over the rest of her life. Try to do things to enjoy her in her babyness! Don't let this injury steal more than her arm/movent from you. Of course you will do a lot for her arm but try to make memories with her that are not focused around the injury. Most of Ian's babyhood memories for me are about the arm and that disappoints me a lot more than the injury itself in many ways. Although I am glad we did a lot for him in that age. So that is my biggest advice! Enjoy your baby!

Re: New..Advice and What to Expect

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:13 pm
by andream
Hello there. I am so sorry to read the posts from the "new" families. As I am sure you have already realized, this is a very frustrating injury to you, your family, and your baby. I echo what many of the posters have said here and that is to try to remember to enjoy your baby and not let your frustrations overcome you. (This is so much easier said than done, but it is one of our biggest regrets in the early months).

This forum will serve extremely beneficial to you in the months/years to come. Take advantage of the "Search" function and read back-posts about topics you are researching.

Also, if you would like to read some stories from families dealing with the injury, please visit our website at
These families have shared some great information about doctors, surgery, therapy and other aspects of the injury. They have also graciously provided contact information and I would encourage you to contact them if you have any further questions.

We are all here for you...


Re: New..Advice and What to Expect

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:53 pm
by Shan_n
Thank you all for your great advice. We have decided to see Dr. Kozin and have our first appt this Fri, I am very much looking forward to this. The first few weeks of her life were so hard and up until I found this site I felt so alone. I do not see her injury anymore instead I only see my beautiful little girl. She is only 3 months old already her strength makes me so proud!