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Re: Reiki?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 3:53 pm
by m&mmom
Can you forward me the phone number of the instructor, I missed the class they were having at our pt place and would love to take one.

Re: Reiki?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 3:54 pm
by Kathleen

Your are not starting tonight are you?

I am having our first support meeting in my house... and I will be the only obpi there...LOL...

I am expecting about 10 parents.... so don't start without me...

It would be great to have holistic method as part of the conversation.... I look forward to it...

I just did battle with a neurologist because I won't go on neurotin... he thinks that will cure me...
So I won and am back with PT/Chiropractor....

Re: Reiki?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 5:30 pm
by francine
Kathleen - we'll think up a day for the chat....I'm not change the Wednesday night's great just the way it is...but we'll add another night for different topics.... how's that sound?

About the neurontin.... kathleen I have to tell I was never a drug taking type of person but when I had my pulmonary embolism and had to start taking blood thinners and other meds I knew I really had no choice and it was ok. So I've been in pain since Maia's birth and just last week was given Celebrex to try and help the pain and let me tell you - it's a Godsent! One doesn't know just how much energy gets used by being in pain all the time.... the neurontin might open up a whole new concept for you. Try it as an experiment and see if it does anything. Just a thought,