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Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:34 pm
by swhite1
Lori, just curious about your last comment.
Do you use alcohol as an aid to pain relief?
The only reason I ask is that most meds caution
about the adverse affects when mixed with alcohol.
I know in the past when my back would flair up I
would take a Valium and a couple of beers and you
could just tuck me in for the night.
I havn't 'drank' or 'drunken' any alcohol for the
sole reason to drink in years. And this condition
is ten times worse than my back on its' most worse day.
Teach me to complain...

Message was edited by: swhite1

Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:18 pm
by s8n
being drunk all the time is what got me here in the first'd be lucky to sit and see me drink one beer with ya nowdays.i was really bad with the sauce so i tend to stay away from it.this was a real wake up call for me lol.
oh and i don't think that's what she meant dude but ya know i don't know that lol

Message was edited by: s8n

Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:49 am
by cbe411
I have talked with one of my doctors about it before but being that it is illegal, he said he would not talk about it. He did say what I did was my business and that I know best how to care for my body. That was that.

In Ferndale (a suburb of Detroit) marijuana is legal for medicinal purposes. It was put on the ballot there and it did pass. However, the police there said they would still prosecute! How crummy!!


Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:23 am
by jennyb
It's been an absolute godsend for me with my injury, but be careful of getting dependent-I have recently stopped using because I realised I was smoking it when I wasn't having pain, which isn't a good thing when you're trying to live a normal life. I had no probs at all giving up. And that's after years of use, altho I would only smoke a wee bit each day, and always just at night-too bluddy expensive otherwise! I can't bake it into cookies etc because my kids would find and eat them, for sure, not knowing what they were. I also find that judging dose when you eat it in baked stuff is dodgy, I once had a very scary experience with hallucinations etc just from half a cookie, I guess that one had a big bit it...My ex left a half eaten one lying around years ago and my dog ate it-I phoned the vet panicking because she seemed unable to walk but just laid there wagging her tail. Then I saw the crumbs...:)

Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:47 am
by s8n
lol that's a funny bit about the dog.well after the fact you know what i mean.anyway may jane is not physically addictive it's all a mental thing you can give it up you just have to make sure your mind wants to or it will be hard.but i use for pain never understood people that wanted to get stupid off the stuff.thanx for your input anyone else wanna share yheir view??

Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:30 pm
by lizzyb
I was on the cannabis pain trials for 2 years a while back along with quite a few others with a TBPI. This was in the UK and if if the trials hadn't have finished the same time we had a general election, I (and a lot of others) truly believe it would have been legalised for medicinal use. Sadly, the politicians got cold feet and bowed down to the blinkered middle classes and the whole thing got chucked out of parliament.

I don't think the trials ever proved inconclusively that cannabis reduces the pain in every case, but it did prove it helped people sleep and we all know that after a good nights sleep, you can generally face anything life throws atcha better.

In my case, it proved that the sleep issue was helped enourmously by the cannabis, so it turned out in the end that if I could find a GP willing to prescribe it AND a chemist willing to supply, then I could have it as an unlicensed drug. If I couldn't find a GP (which I couldn' GP refused due to costs...yeah right..)then I could go back to Stanmore and collect the stuff there. I haven't done this as Stanmore is a bluddy long way away from where I live now. Still, it's nice to know that I am one of a verty few hundred people that is a card-carrying liscenced legal user!!


PS Bluddy nice to see ya posting Tbaby!! :0)

Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:38 pm
by Dyanne
Hi. If it works and you do not get into trouble I don't know why that makes you a 'bad guy'. I cannot use marijuana with my career and also cannot stand the stuff (tried it when I was younger and didn't care for it) but I can see how it would be something that could help take the pain away. I don't know how much worse that is than taking percocet or some other strong narcotic with a myriad of side affects.

How long have you had this condition?

Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:19 am
by s8n
it'll be a year aug. so yea bout a year

Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:34 am
by KM
The part about the pain, yep, I can relate to that. Docotrs have had me on so many pills, it is impossible to function and basically it does not help that much. I have no life. The only thing that does help is the weed. Sad but true.

Re: this may be taboo on here but........

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:25 am
by herff94
I would try it if it was legal to prescribe it here in Illinois. I was just talking with my mom and sisters about it last night. I mean, God gave it to us for a reason. The government makes nature illegal but then approves Man to MAKE drugs that kill us or drugs that make us want to kill ourselves. Crazy