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Re: Mad as a HORNET

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 2:32 pm
by mommieinneed
I applied when maggie was just around one and got denied said she wasnt handicapped enough so I gave up. People told me that is what they do so when you get denied appeal it, so when Maggie was around two we applied again and was denied appealed it and denied appealed again denied appealed it again which then it went to a judge but before we could go to the court for it we got a letter saying she was approved and then started getting cash and even got reimbursed for the time she didnt get the cash.

You do have to meet the financial requirements but with us it was no problem because we were a family of four living on my husbands income (which isnt much) so I could stay at home.

Hope this helps.

Re: Mad as a HORNET

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 1:12 am
I applied when Jody was 2 years old. We were denied all 3 times. (2 appeals) I also consulted with a lawyer. I was told that Jody wasn't disabled enough and he has 0 use of his right hand and extremely limited arm. I just gave up, I decided to wait until this whole lawsuit is done and then determine what if anything I need to do.

Thanks and good luck.

Marlyn mom to Jody 4 years old ROBPI

Re: Mad as a HORNET

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:09 pm
by beth richter
i know the feeling..our doctor told us to apply for SSI and i went to apply and got an appointment the day before i recieved a phone call from the lady we were to meet the next day and she told us that she had been doing a little "homework" on a BP injury and was informed that with surgery, this is a "cureable" illness ..not something that SSI could be involed with!! being mad as a hornet? please believe that we have been thru hell trying to get the help for our daughter

Re: Mad as a HORNET

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:35 am
by Kimberly
Back in 1999, us and several other families went to DC and met with Social Security Administration. We were presenting to them that "curable" needed to be taken out of their vocabulary. That this injury was not curable, and that every child had a different outcome. So, it is kind of frustrating that after 9 years they are still saying it is "curable". They didn't change anything like they said they were going to do. That figures!!

Re: Mad as a HORNET

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:16 pm
by Kath
Hi nice to see you around again. Hope all is well.

It's a small step but at least it's a step...
We did get them to put something in on bpi.

We have a long way to go and people should be writing to their Senators and Congressmen regarding their needs as bpi injured or as the parents of bpi injured. The more voices the more they will think about taking some more actions.