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Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:25 am
by richinma2005
It came off from a massachusetts site, but it is the same for all school districts.
Here is a website from the federal level that goes into specific Q&A's
Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:36 am
by richinma2005
And here is one for GA ... udents.htm
Services under Section 504
The plan for the student's accommodations, modifications, aids, and/or supports is developed by a team of knowledgeable persons, including the parents, and is similar in purpose to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) created by an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee for a student receiving special education services under IDEA. A plan under Section 504 will identify the services that the student needs in order to receive a free appropriate public education. "Free" means at no cost to the parent, except for those costs which apply to students without disabilities (such as costs of field trips). "Appropriate" means the combination of regular education and special education, including individually designed modifications and supports which provide the student with an equal opportunity to receive benefit in school. Some examples of services and supports include: repeating and simplifying instructions; providing visual instructions; providing behavioral supports; modifying the administration of tests; providing tape recorders, computers, and audio-visual equipment; modifying textbooks and assignments; note-taking assistance;
providing therapies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy; and administration of medication.
Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:41 am
by richinma2005
Some of the things my daughter gets is OT and Pt in the school. They allow her to use a laptop or other word-processing tool to cut down on th ewriting, they allow her to stretch as needed, and provide seating that is ergonomically correct. This year they are providing an extra set of books at home so she doesn't have to carry home heavy backpacks. They allow us to write her sentences as needed at home.
As for qualifying for a 504, you have to explain that your child tires easily if sitting for long periods due to the muscle imbalance affecting the trunk, that pain is an issue for longer writing assignments. My daughter is an excellent student but without the accomodations her performance would suffer. That is why she has a 504 and not an IEP.
Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:47 am
by Carolyn J
FYI, the website in Ga.parenttoparent..etc. has workshops on all Federal Laws,IDEA,504, etc.and gives Copies of Everything and it may be possible to have one of their trained Parent Advocates to go with you to School District meetings. There is a similar parent-to-parent program here in WA State.
Please kep us informed.
Carolyn J
Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:42 pm
by GAmom
I want to say Thanks to All who have given me lots of info and pointers. I finally have a meeting with the 504 lady tomorrow after school. YEAH! I am taking my hubby with me this time. He seems to get a better response out of the school than me. Brayden's teacher is going to present and I informed her what was going on and we were going to fight it all we could and she said good to go for it. That makes me feel so much better. She stopped me this morning again asking about Brayden and therapy for him. That is when I explained all that was going on. She said Brayden got embarrassed because he had to have help getting his pants up. And that they therapist could work with that was well as his other issues. I talked with some other people knowledgeable with the school system and she said fight and it that didn't work he should certainly be eligible for an IEP under orthopedic impairment. So we are prepared to go that route if we have to. There I go to rambling. Just wanted to update everyone and let them know I finally got a meeting. Wish us LUCK!
Thanks again to everyone. I don't know what I would do without you!!! ((((HUGS))))
Ashley, mom to Bryaden 4yrs
Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:54 pm
by brandonsmom
99% of the time, the teacher is a good person and agrees with what you want for your child....the best, however, sometimes because of funding the school district has better ideas......Good Luck firm and don't let them back down, your child deserves the BEST !!!
Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:46 pm
by Carolyn J
Good going Mom and Dad!! I will be praying a special time tomorrow just for you. PLEASE let us know how it all goes,OK?!! You are lucky Brayden has such a caring teacher! hug her for me, will ya!
Carolyn J
Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:39 pm
by brandonsmom
Okay everybody,
Now we are going through H-e double hockey sticks with my child's school.
Today Brandon came home and told me that he has to write 50 time the he will not talk in class and make an action plan for misbehaving today at school. My problem is this........the kids next to him that was talking to him did not get in trouble and now my child has to write 50 time...well guess what....he cant and wont do it. He already told me he would rather miss recess tomorrow than write all that, because then his arm will hurt from holding down the paper.......besides writing accomadations...what else should I ask for, come on guys make it good, if the school district wants to play I know the game and they will be sorry....accomadations here I COME !!!!
Writing accomadations
extra set of books(Something I have always wanted but have not wanted a 504 headache)
Come on, help me out !!
Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:05 pm
by claudia
Okay Gayle:
this is straight from Juliana's 504...
monitor on playground
extra set of textbooks
extra time on tests(writing) 1.5
preferential seating (her choice-not the teachers)
monitor on the school bus to help with embarking and disembarking
answers recorder in any manner for state tests (i'll explain)
flexible setting for state tests
access to a computer
2 OT consults per year
NYState does standardized testing of math and english in every grade starting with 3rd (ridiculous, in my opinion), that's why there are so many accommodations for testing. "answers recorder in any manner" means that if her arm gets tired, she can ask to speak her answers and a scribe has to write them.
Somewhere along the way we lost our "notes in class", which I will get back-I really think it was an oversight. Her teacher and I have an agreement that I can write her homework. I do some of it sometimes. Only on days when she seems tired or when she has Hebrew school (that is two more hours of writing and reading another language).
We no longer get OT or PT and we lost our adaptive PE because she tested too well (uh, she could hang longer one handed than 90% of the grade did 2 handed). Luckily, her PE teacher this year was her adaptive PE teacher last year--so she knows what's up.
Oh, it used to say it, but it doesn't on this year's plan: a rolling back pack. These were outlawed in our school when kids were falling over other kid's bags. Juliana has decided on a messenger bag this year, but if she wanted to, she would have a rolling backpack.
good luck on this, i know how hard it is. I fought for this stuff against an Asst. Superintendent for Special Education who told me that since she increased her reading level, there was no reason for accommodations. HUH?
Re: I'm in 504 HEdouble hockey sticks!
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:21 am
by brandonsmom
Oksy sll,
They are starting already !!!
Do I really need an examination by a "LOCAL" physician? How do I get around this. Dr. Nath has seen him since he was 7 months old, two of those years we lived in Houston so he saw Dr. Nath alot. I live in Illinois and have had some experience with BPI doctors up here but wouldn't exactly call them positive or informative. It is sad when you know more about your childs injury than the Dr. that calls himself a BPI specialist right? I Cannot afford nor wil I pay 7-8 doctors in Illinois till I find one that knwo what they are talking about !!!!
The Principal told me this morning that what Dr. Nath has to say is not important because he is not a local dr. WHAT CAN I DO?