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Re: Chopping it off - need some advice

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:30 am
by Joy in FL
Wow. That is what keeps running through my mind as I read this post. Wow! How much courage it must have taken to finally make the decision. Everyone that has made the decision I commend you!

I have about 50% use of my arm, hand and shoulder. Most days. Of course there are the days I am lucky to get 25% out of it. Regardless it is too much to have amputated. But, I must admit there are times I think of how much easier it might be not to have it at all. I am sure there are amputees out there that would disagree with me!

I wish you so much success and am looking forward to hearing about your progress. I have a friend that use to make prosthetics for a living. Perhaps I can get him to get in on this conversation and offer up some advice.

Jennyb, you crack me up! :D "Sometimes I wonder what able bodied people do with all those arms!" If you ever make it state side I want to have the pleasure of buying you a drink!

Re: Chopping it off - need some advice

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:52 am
by jennyb
Thanks Joy! I'd love to come to the USA some time, there are a whole bunch of great people I'd love to meet, obpi and tbpi. Plus it's such an amazingly beautiful place, I'd want to do a road trip and end up in Canada. If and when it happens, there will be more than one drink shared, I feel :)
Jen NZ

Re: Chopping it off - need some advice

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:56 pm
by ronin
got mine off 2 years post accident--could not wait to be rid of it--can't imagine going 15 yrs. Best b.p. decision I ever made. I got above elbow--more stump more "base" for a prsthtic--but after 2 yrs I was "programed" to working around it so prosthetic turned out to be useless.
My prosthetic was DEFINITLY not cosmetic-- black carbon fiber, titanium and stainless steel--I needed a tool not something pretty--so I have no opinion on cosmetic arms other than I see no need personally. I think you'll never regret getting that ball and chain hacked off---good luck and congrats.-by the way--WARNING!!!!!--get used to people not remotely understanding that your amputation was elective. It boggles thier minds and they will not be able to get thier heads wrapped around it--ESPECIALLY DOCTORS. You will go from a brachial plexus "victim" to "amputee" and they will not be able to see past your stump to the real issue of avulsed nerves.
don't need medicine, deal with it, learn to live with it, etc,etc

Re: Chopping it off - need some advice

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:49 pm
by Pier Jumper
Ronin - thank you for the reply, input and advice. much appreciated.
