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Re: The longest and shortest 2 years of our lives

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:18 am
by ccorkra
Thanks everyone for your "woohoos." It means a lot to hear from people that know what we are going through. I know that when I have read some other posts from parents about their kids making progress and my child hadn't reached that point,it sometimes discouraged me. But as always I have learned that it is all about TIME and remembering that all of our children are going to recover at different rates. I think that we all must have the patience of saints sometimes with the amount of waiting we do.

I also now have more hope for further recovery because of those precious little wiggling fingers. For those of you who are still waiting for those wiggling fingers or flickering wrist, don't lose hope! Carol, mom to Lucy, 2yrs, LOBPI

Hey Melinda! Good to hear from you. Yes, we hope to see you and your precious ones in October too!

Re: The longest and shortest 2 years of our lives

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:59 am
by kyley67
That is fantastic !!!!! I rememeber when our daughter moved her thumb and index finger for the first time, I literally cried and laughed at the same time. We were told that she would probably never use her hand at all and she now has movement in her thumb and index fingers. She is almost three and tries with all of her might to do things that her hand and arm.

Congratulations !!!!!

All of our kids are amazing!!!!