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Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2002 3:36 pm
by Joy in FL
Hello Paul,

I still can't lift my arm over my head, shoulder height is as far as it will go. Even going to shoulder height I can't hold it there for more than a minute or so. It is a real hassle when I try and put my hair up! I can not straighten my arm out all the way in front of me. I hold it at an angle. I have arm movement, not like before the accident of course. I am satisfied with what I have...most days. :-) I still have days where my arm and hand don't work. My brain sends the message but it just does not make it to the arm and or hand. My arm is at about 50 to 60% of what it was.

I went to the Philadelphia Hand Center. My doctor was Dr. Hunter. It is a teaching facility so I also had many interns... the one intern I remember is Dr. Lance Devlin. The only reason I remember his name is because it reminded me of a soap opera name! LOL For a neuroligist I saw Dr. Swartzman. Loved him. I don't think he is with the same hospital however he did stay in Philadelphia.

I did not make it to Dr. Swartzman or Dr. Hunter until almost 18 months after my accident. I went to a chiro that I feel just made the injury worse with his treatment.

Hope this helps.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2002 12:39 pm
by admin
Hi Joy so did they tansfer museles? And can you left any whight? Was this your bicip & deltoid? I'am glad your happy with your return. thanks for your response.. Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2002 6:27 pm
by sueh
i have a friend who was injured on 11/4/01 in a mva - her husband was killed. she has no arms, some hands, and both legs - the docs haven't diagnosed a BPI, but then again they say they can't determine where her injury is!! i think BPI - we are seeking info on surgery for her - have contacted baylor - any others recommended?? thanks sue

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 10:05 am
by Karl
Hey Paul,
I have good recovery to my shoulder area and biceps,but not much recovery below the elbow.I had to go to London for an operation May 1997, i think i must have done alot of damage to arm, because i met another guy who was after the same op by the same surgeon and he was after regaining useful recovery as far as he's wrist,and i'm sure within six months he probably had 90% use of his arm.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 2:06 pm
by Paul
Hi Karl thanks can you tell me more about that and the Dr. Name. Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 3:24 pm
by Karl
Hi Paul,

Mr.Rolfe Birch,
Brockley Hill,

0181-954 2300 Phone. 0181-420 6582Fax.(not sure of the code you'll be dialing) i hope he can help you.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 11:41 am
by Paul
Thanks Karl !!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2002 8:38 pm
by BillCTV
I have had some success. Complete TBPI c8 pulled from cord C5,6,7 damaged. Motorcycle accident - shoulder vs metal bridge girder---Bridge won! Nerve grafts from both legs 21 hour surgery. The worse part after the surgery was the pain in my legs. At the time of accident Docs said after three years that whatever return I had that would be it. That was in 1985 and I am still getting return. Mininmal by non injured status but still pretty cool to me.

I couln't even shrug my shoulder and now I can do that, hold stuff under my arm, have enough tricep return to hold our kids diaper in place to fasten the tapes. Some return in my wrist. Within the last 6 months my fingers are responding some, and also my pectoral muscles. Sensation has not been normal below the elbow, but I have relearned.

It seems so long ago, but it also seems like yesterday.

What do you have to loose? I say go for it.

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2002 3:37 pm
by Paul
Bill thanks for writing!!!!! Your return sounds great!!! Who was your doctor. Way do you think certin musules have not gone atrophy. Paul

Re: Surgery has any one had any success

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2002 9:30 am
by Dianna williams
yes we had have success with are son and Dr Kline and Dr Tiel, in new olreans,
are son had his 6th nerve avilsion and the 5th was torn with a few rootlets, he had 4- 2 1/2 nerve Grafts they took the nerve from the back of his leg and attached C6 to C7 and C5 toC4 and 2nd day after surgery he had tingling in his arm(he was hurt 10/31/1997 and surgery was 4/7/1998)
when you would touch his arm he would get pissed and yell not to touch him, he said it was shocking him.
6 weeks after surgery he was able to hold his arm bent at the elbow(if you pick it up for him) up for the count of 10, he started phyicial therpy, and went 3days a week for 9mos they shocked each muscle to tell it what to do, and then he would go for a 18mos to gain control and fine tune the movement
he went another 9mos to gain the strenght,
he has full recovery, he is able to do almost everything he did before he got hurt,he canraise his arm up over his head and hold it there for as long as you ask him to,
he is able to lift a 2 liter bottle up and put it in the shelves,
he has had success!