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Re: Limitations after 2nd 8 weeks for Caps
Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 10:20 am
by francine
my keys are sticking down (sorry)
Re: Limitations after 2nd 8 weeks for Caps
Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 12:11 pm
by Jodi
I want to avoid the activities that Dr. Nath wants us to. I just can't figure out what activities he is talking about! Like he said activities that stress the shoulder. I don't know what he means. I think some ROMing can stress the shoulder. Then he said weight- bearing. Well I just don't know. How do you keep a 3 year old from weight-bearing? I can try and explain to her but her therapist have already been working on it with her. They were under the impression that was supposed to start last week. And what are water wings stressing. Can or can't we use them. I guess this is just warning for everyone. Make sure you know exactly what your child is supposed to do before the splint comes off. And if you don't know call and call until they call you back. This surgery is a lot different than the Mod Quad. They just made a new protocol too. They were still in the process of rewriting the protocol when we were there. So that doesn't help either.