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Re: Neurontin

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 7:50 pm
by cbr9
i was on neurontin, was up to 2700mgs/day didn't seem to be doing anything for the pain. i stopped taking it. there was no change, still hurt like.....

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 11:42 pm
by sara
hi, i'm a caretaker for my brother who april 19th avulsed three of the bp nerves, he is taking 4 600mg neurontin, how do you go t your pain management dr. and ask for amytripilene without feeling or being questioned about drugs?

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 1:16 am
by cbr9
all i had done in the past was work with my doctor trying the meds. if it wasn't working we'd step up the dose, if that didn't show promise, we'd try medication combos. my question is, are you sure you want amitriptyline? i was prescribed it as a night time pain relief due to it causing drowsiness. actually i am yet to try it. i've had the bottle for about 2 years, strange thing is i just recently found it again as i was cleaning out my storage. just funny, to me, you'd bring it up. as far as bringing up different meds to your doctor, you really should. unless you have a tbpi specialist most doctors don't know squat about this injury. so i say bring up meds and show them that you are doing your homework.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 4:22 am
by bigsel
I have to say cbr9 that I take amitriptilene at night just before I go to bed, & It works wonders for me getting a good nights sleep, I think if you get a good sleep you can handle the pain a lot better the next day. I know what I was like at the start, realy short fused when I didn't get my sleep & the pain was worse aswell.
Scottish tbpi

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 12:53 pm
by admin
I was so glad to find this info on Neurontin. I just recently started taking it and was worried about side affects. I have BP from rotater cuff surgery. The Neurontin helps a little but I have terrible nite pain. Do you find any problem with weight gain? I heard that was a side effect. I'm so depressed about all this. I am going to the doctors tomorrow to get all the results of my EKG. The thought is that it happened from the nerve block.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 2:29 pm
by Andrew
Hi Debilyn
I was in the same position as your husband until i saw a pain specialist he suggested that for the first year i get the pain undercontroll with Oxycontin, Neurontin and Amitriptyline which have helped allot. I was also afraid of getting addicted and was really reluctant to try the Oxycontin but if he is in so much pain that he cant eat then i wouldn't worry about it the habit forming part i would just get the pain undercontroll. Hope this helps you

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 7:01 pm
by admin
I was on an anti-epileptic called Topamax (which the side effect of is weight loss) that worked well for my stinging burning pain, but I am already tiny so I had to go off of it. So if weight gain is an issue, maybe topamax would be better? The only other odd thing that seemed to happen with it is in the first hour or two after taking it my brain would seem to 'freeze up' during conversations and I'd stop talking in the middle of sentences or be unable to speak for a couple of seconds, so I took it before bed and it worked that way just fine.

Oh. And it makes Coca-cola taste nasty.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 1:43 pm
by admin
Has anyone had brachial plexux injury from a nerve block? I had rotater cuff surgery and my nerve damage is due to the nerve block before surgery. The neurotin works some but I have good days and bad. Usually on humid days I'm swollen and miserable. Would love to hear from someone that could give me information on this.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 11:44 pm
by sara
i am interested to know exactly what occurs in an accupuncture appointment, my brother is close to three months after his accident. is it too soon to seek accupunture?

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 4:58 pm
by myowndoc
I've been on Neurontin for 2 months now and the only thing it has helped me out with is sleeping. However, that is a double-edged sword because it also makes me feel fatigued almost all the time and I'm only on 100mg 3 times a day. I think it's worthless, but that's just me.