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Re: Going to College: One-handed keyboard, voice recog. software, help!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:59 pm
by jennyb
I too use a normal keyboard. I worked full time and had to write lots of letters, I managed fine. Just like you xiggers I now get back and neck stuff if I type a long time but i too put that down to my age rather than the bpi.

Re: Going to College: One-handed keyboard, voice recog. software, help!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:46 pm
by Christopher
Hi Ellen,
The company that makes the 'half-qwerty' keyboards just responded to me email about the software. They stopped making it about five years ago, because they couldn't afford the up keep and constant conflicts with other PC and Mac software. So that one is out of question unfortunately, I really liked that idea personally.

This other site recommends a laptop that makes a lot of sense to me, since I always type with my laptop twisted toward my uninjured arm...

Good luck in what ever you choose!!!

Re: Going to College: One-handed keyboard, voice recog. software, help!

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:23 pm
by CarolynfromLA
I use a regular keyboard and type 1-handed. Instead of resting my hand and just moving fingers, my whole hand darts around, and I do fine. I used a laptop in law school, and even typed exams, and was at no disadvantage whatsoever.

That said, when I injured my working hand a few years ago I was really in trouble. So I got Dragon Naturally Speaking, I forget what edition but I know it wasn't professional, and it was great. I don't use it now that I'm healed because, though its good for typing from scratch, its really annoying for editing, which I tend to do a lot more of.

Be sure to have your son go to the Students with Disabilities office. Its imperative that he self-identify, or else he won't get any help, and you can't get it retroactively, like after you don't do so well on a final exam because you didn't have a special set up - they won't let you re-take it. My philosophy is that if there is help to be had, like note takers, get it! Even if he can type as fast as I can (and I'm really fast), the stress it puts on your good hand can lead to problems of overuse, like I had, and no o ne wants that!