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Re: YEAH!!!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:13 pm
by Brandon_3
Changing the subject on yall, cuz I am having surgery on monday so I will be knocked out for a good ten hours. That means that I will be totally pain free for 10 straight hours COMATOSE!!!!!!! Anyway just stoppin by to say get high. oops I mean Hi. I am so excited! I hope this surgery works.
Peace Out

Re: YEAH!!!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:22 pm
by Kath
I think you are a good role model for the children.
You are not pushing pot on people by posting that it is legal in your area.
This will mean a great deal to those who are in their last stages of cancer and don't want morphine and can get some relief from smoking.
I have heard of older people getting someone to buy it for them so they don't have to go around all drugged up.

Pain medication is really what we are talking about.
I have chronic pain and it is NOT the same as TBPI pain.
I have always been in pain and did not know what it felt like to be pain free.
I took vioxx and for the first time I can ever remember I had no pain...
I loved the feeling and was amazed at how good I felt but had a reaction to the drug... and now it's off the market because of the side-effects.

I find people who try to tell me how to deal with the chronic pain have never been in pain.
I must admit I consider some real wimps... a hang nail and they are whining and in agony!
It's like all those folks who say how lucky I am it's only and arm...
As they talk with both arms moving.
If it works for some people so be it and now it's legal in some area's.

A VIP neurologist/ pain specialist told me that people with bpi do not get addicted to pain killer nor do they ever sell them...
They do get addicted to pain relief.

I don't sleep and finally agreed to take a sleeping pill once in awhile...
I was shocked at how my whole body and my spine just feel great... no pain... and that is only Ambien.
I only take it on occasion because it is addictive.

I don't drink and don't smoke but sometimes wish I did because I have seen enough people "feeling no pain"
Needless to say my generation did not smoke pot so I never tried it.
I have never been drunk either but before I hit a hundred I might go for it...LOL.
Kath (robpi/66)

Re: YEAH!!!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:02 pm
by kd's daddy
Court I apoligize I was in a bad place yesterday,.

Re: YEAH!!!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:18 pm
by cbe411
kd's daddy I appreciate and accept your appology....

Kath you should get drunk one night, it is FUN! Not on a regular occurance though!!

COurt :)

Re: YEAH!!!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:31 pm
by brandonsmom
You guys over hear are too much fun !!!! Court you may have alot of TBPI patients living in Ferndale now. That will sure sway the statistics won't it? Everyone have a great isn't that great being drunk. That is how I met my second husband, now that I am diabetic and cannot drink, he is hard to Tolerate.....ha, ha !!!! Gayle

Re: YEAH!!!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:45 pm
by jennyb
Something people don't realise is that if the go ahead is given for cannabis to be used medicinally, drug companies (who sure as hell don't want people growing their own, cheap, effective pain relief, no way!) will then produce the THC (I can't spell like Susan but its the active ingredient in cannabis) in a form that can be safely taken by sufferers without smoking it. As Liz says, in the UK they have a spray that you put under the tongue, I would far rather use that but instead, as New Zealand is in the dark ages about cannabis and its uses, I am forced to make myself deal with criminal gangs to obtain it, make myself into a criminal for possession of it and to smoke it instead of using a harmless spray. I am a criminal for using something that has been used for pain relief for centuries, including by Queen Victoria who lived to a very ripe old age.
Please also remember that the most widely abused drug is caffeine, the drug that causes the most pain and suffering in modern society is alcohol, and both of these are legal. Just because something is legal doesn't make it safer than something that's not-its abuse that makes it unsafe-Tylenol causes liver failure if abused, imagine if they suddenly made that illegal. Would you buy it on the black market if it was the only thing that made your sick kid's pain go away? I would......
Peace to all, pass the weasel urine :0)

Re: YEAH!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:43 am
by admin
I wish pot would decrease my pain. For me it actually amplifies it and makes it more intense. Sucks to be me.

Re: YEAH!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:50 pm
by Allison
Did you guys see the interview with Melissa Etheridge on Dateline a couple weeks back? She turned down all the rx drugs to ease the pain and depression associated with the breast cancer she beat. She smoked marijuana instead. Kuddos to Melissa for taking a stand and letting the public know that this drug used properly can actually help folks! Just my two cents. My husband feels differently about it. Oh well, we cant all agree on everything.

Re: YEAH!!!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:24 am
by admin
Daddy--That was a large thing to do. I was just getting geared to rip into your argument.
What little pot I do smoke is a nice relief and I don't beleive that anyone should have the right to take that away from me.