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Re: losing strength in affected arm

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 4:13 pm
by Carolyn J
I forgot to say please share with us what your new Dr. tells you and/or refers you.I hope you get some relief soon.
Your Mother is an Angel!!
Carolyn J

Re: losing strength in affected arm

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:12 pm
by FullofFaith
Hello everyone,

I have had a long day. It took us about three hours to get to Nashville, had to stop a couple of times and move around, but we finally have some long awaited answers. The doctor I seen today is an asst. prof. in neurology. He said that my R shoulder is frozen and although what my mom has been doing was good he wants me to go into "formal" Physical Therapy. "Diagnosis" states R erb's palsy Right Upper Extremity weakness and decreased ROM from contractures. He also has diagonosed Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy(my GP suggested this a while back but wanted a second opinion). He has referred me to a NeuroMuscular Dr. there at Vanderbilt in Nashville. So it looks like I get to keep my mind active. More research. LOL!! I am going to call around tomorrow to try to find a physical therapists that will take payments as I have still not heard anything on my disability. I have put PT off as long as I can. I am going to call SSA tommorow also and update them. Oh yeah, I am going to be continuing what has got me this far--PRAYER--! All for now--really tired--thanks again for your support!!
