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Re: The Old Amputation Question Again...

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:15 am
by Henry
Hi Mike,

I did it 11 months after the injury, 23 years ago.

No pain, no sores or ulcers, huge sense of relief and freedom that I still feel when I read posts from people with flails.

Good luck!!


Re: The Old Amputation Question Again...

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:32 pm
by STravis
Amy -

I just read all of the posts regarding your situation and noticed that they were all dated sometime last summer. Have you made any decision? The reason I ask is that I have exactly the same situation. Since September 2001 I have had a right arm paralysis due to a bpi. I have had arthodesis to support the shoulder and DREZ to help with the pain. The pain was extermely better right after DREZ but has slowly started to retun in bursts that simply stop me in my tracks. I am not sure what is worse, constant pain or short bursts of intense pain. Anyway, I am really considering the removal of the arm because of the neck and back pain and I just wondered if you have made the decision or how it went if you had the procedure. Any information would be very appreciated.
