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Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:24 pm
by Carrie
Dear Guest,
XRays can be harmful if directed at developing cells like a fetus. The chances of getting hurt by a direct beam that is strong enough to hurt the fetus is very small, from what I have read, but they put the apron on just in case, because they want to take every precaution for malpractice claims, obviously. The technician goes behind a window or booth that cannot possibly be made of lead because they would get lead poisoning if it was, and they spent every day there. Also, the tech is using controls which are operated behind the booth or screen. Try googling this inquiry, it's difficult to find any studies that show damage from this type of radiation. There is no need to worry. This is foolish to get freaked out about when there are a lot more problems than with this aswsociated with a brachial plexus injury.

Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:50 pm
by carron
not to scare any one but I work in x-ray. A chest x-ray is like a day in the sun but a ct of any body part is 7 times that amount. CT is the highest does of any x-ray many radiologist do not like to do plain films and then ct because of the exposure to the thyroid. MRI's do not give of radiation but radio waves. Plain film are ok . But not 100 in a year.....
take care of your kids . I know thomas has had only 2 cxr and one mri and he is 4 Its a big call for the parents to know when enough is enough and when it is needed alot of x-ray are done for money. Take care