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Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:27 pm
by brandonsmom
Bringing this to the top for Kissygoose, although I don't think that this is the thread we are looking for....can anyone else help find this "LOST" thread ~!

Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:56 pm
by Kath
You are right their is another thread but I can't find it.
I sent Kissy a long e-mail with some information to get this process started.

Kath (adult/robpi)

Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:15 am
by brandonsmom
Thank you Kath, I knew you or someone else around here would come through. Gayle

Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:20 am
by brandonsmom
I just bumped a thread on the Traumatic Board about SSI see if that helps. Gayle Sorry to bump I didn't know how to get it over to these boards....I am not too computer literate !

Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:50 am
by admin
The listing of impairments from Social Security state that there has to be impairment in both upper extremities--Erb's in one arthritis in the other--or carpal tunnel in the good hand etc.... Have your Dr. document as closely to the wording listed in SSA as possible. Don't be afraid to find out who your case worker or claims handler is and call and bug them. It took about 3 weeks to get my disability approved. I collected for about a year and went back to work---but still have the option to jump back on for the next few years.
If you have to work, a lot of companies are allowing work at home a few days a week. I can work at home 2 days a week and it really helps. I've gotten to the point that I get hand spasms when I drive too much. I certainly can't type a lot--or well as my fingers don't bend well anymore and I miss a lot of keys, my arms wear out and pain issues are increasing.
Go to there are a lot of work at home jobs you can do part time.
Call the drug company that manufactures neurontin and ask for a form to apply for free medication. It is available. the income guidelines aren't bad either. You won't know until you try. Good luck Pat

Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:38 am
by sunny
I have been told by a rehab counselor that SS required 2 limbs to be affected before you would be qualified for disability. Since he was also my brother, I trust his word. :). I was approved on my first try about 5 years ago, Although I have Erbs since birth and multiple other systematic illnesses, I was approved based on my depression. I understand that approval varies by state, so a uniformed system would be good. I had to be off work 6 months before benefits would apply. I was covered by my state's temp disability for the first 5 months.

The only thing I can really say that might help others is to be sure you have full documentaion of the problems you have that keep you from being able to work or to function day to day. When I filled out the forms, when it asked if I could dress myself, cook and clean the house I said yes. I can't really do it all alone, but I said yes because other family members living with me can help me, so it got done. This was a mistake. If you can not do it totally alone, you have to tell them that.

I also made sure I got all my medical records myself and sent them in with my application. That way I was sure they had them and it avoided an unneccesary delay.

I hope this was the sort of info you were looking for.


Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:28 am
by Sharon
I thought I would send somewhat of an update on my disibility case. I finally got another hearing, my 4th judge and my second remand. They had an expert medical doctor, and expert psychologist along with the career expert. The judge asked the dr where he would classify me or under what heading. There is NO classification, so he fudged around and called off a few numbers. My copd isn't severe enough, my depression is something I control and will not try another antidepressant as they tend to make me sucidal, which I had to explain to this dr. The dr and the psych are both in agreement that I have complained about pain for years now and is very well documented. My so called "dizzzy headache" have turned out to be some kind of seizures, but not completely proven. The judge questioned me on my driving and when was the last time I drove (which has been over a year now) and also about my smoking, and had I tried outside agencies or drs to try and quit. The med dr understands what I am going thru and realizes I don't drive because of pain and made that quite clear. So between the dr and the judge, they were trying to find a catagory that I might fit into.

I just don't seem to fit in. I have copd (not severe), headaches (which I worked with) my arm (which I worked with) my osteo and arthritis and fibromyalgia, etc and I still don't fit. My case goes back to at least 1996, but they kept using the date of Jul 1994 which is when I last worked and "became disabled" Of course I was questioned about my last position I held which was a temp assignment and why I couldn't do that. My disability qualifications ran out in Dec of 1999 which is why my lawyer is trying to go back before. Latest report from my emg is that I have carpel tunnel in both wrists, but that wasn't proven back to the dates in question, so I don't know if that is being taken in consideration.

I could go on and on, but the bottom line seems to be I don't fit the specification outlined in the ss "book". The med dr did make the remark that he and the judge had talked about pain issues in the past and how they might handle them. That was on 05 Jan and now I'm still playing the waiting game. If I finally get approved, I'm pretty sure I'll lose my drivers license over this. I don't drive unless I really have to and feel that it is a good day to do so.

I don't know if this helps anyone or not. Exrays are probably the best weapon but then the severity comes into play, your word about how you feel and why it keeps you from working. People have told me to act depressed. I didn't think I had to act. But, most of us have had to stand up and fight for so many things we have accomplished in life, I guess that has made us able to handle most anything along with the depression. My GAF score isn't low enough to qualify me for depression. I'm only moderately depressed.

Kath, if you want to email me about the wording the alj used on my denials, just email me and I can enlighten you or make copies for you if that would help.

Good luck

Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:02 pm
by FullofFaith

I just received a denial, also. I am going to appeal. They stated that although I did have multiple joint pain and right arm nerve damage that evidence shows that I am able to stand, move about and use my arms, hands and legs in a satisfactory manner. What evidence? In a satisfactory manner? How funny! I would love the person who made this decision to spend just one week in my shoes! I have been diagnosed with reflex sympathetic dystrophy along with what they are calling "childhood erb's palsy", and CTS in what I call "my good arm". Not to mention the tears in my lower back. They also said I "experience" depression but I can still communicate with others, act in my own interest and perform most ordinary activities. The reason I even get depressed is because I can't do the "ordinary activities" I used to be able to do. I am taking hydrocodone for pain and muscle relaxers so I can sleep somewhat normally. They also "realize" my condition keeps me from doing any of my past work. They think I can do other jobs less demanding. Like what? I never know what each day will bring. However, I do know how frustrating this process is. I am determined not to lose hope. Thanks for listening, I had to vent.


Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:14 pm
by Carolyn J
I'm praying for you.Keep on keepin' on and appeal 10 times if you have too.You know we BPI-ers have to fight like h-ll for EVERYTHING. oh yea, vent here anytime,we are Family.
Carolyn J

Re: Filing for SSD / SSI Question from UBPN Please help

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:46 pm
by admin
If X-rays of your good hand show joint space narrowing of limitation of movement you should qualify. Make sure you get x-rays of your hands. a lot of times the arthritis will show on the x-ray.
I didn't have to worry. I have the ugliest crookedest fingers on earth. I hate them.
Most of us have back issues that make it impossible to stand. the Erb's makes it impossible to type and my fingers get tangled in the keys.
Maybe we could get someone from social security to tape their arm down and try to do their job.--- whoops. can't lift that box with two arms. Oh, no arm gave out?? Can't type.
I don't think anyone can comprehend the limitations that we face every day because it just isn't that evident when you look at us. I'm tired of feeling guilty for those things I just can't do!