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Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:17 pm
by SpeelmanC
my husbands deposition went well...maybe an hour or less. Mine on the other hand was about 3 or 4 hours. The lawyer kept asking me if i was drunk or on drugs, do i do drugs or alcohol (the answers of course were no I do not drink or do drugs)...yelling at me and asking me the same questions over and over and over. I finally said that she had been asking me the same question and i was tired of answering her. The delivering doctor was there also (I think to scare me) and at first, I was taken back since i hadnt seen him since he did this to our daughter, but then I just focused on our daughter and the reason we were in there. My poor husband had to stay out of the room while I was being depostioned. Since it was my name on the court documents. Be strong for your little one...think of the child that is injured and what you are trying to do for them...don't let them bully you. It isnt as bad in court, because you have a judge and lawyers that can make the defense behave. In depositions, they can literally ask you anything. also be sure to think about your answers before you say them...they can use things against you in court...Good luck to you in court and to others that are pursuing their delivering doctors that injure their child...


Please be careful

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:58 am
by admin
Dunnfamily - reading your post made me cringe in remembrance of my own depositions. Hideous! But don't let them scare you!
But, what I'm writing for is to remind you to be careful. If it were me, I'd really be posting anonymously about this subject. You don't want this stuff being read by them, and trust me, they read these websites.
Just a thought.


Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:54 pm
by admin