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Re: Diet plus other restrictions

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:25 am
by lizzyb
Peggy..the carbs thing is part of a theory that I'm working that might prove there could be links between pain levels and what types of food we eat.

I have been doing a certain amount of experimenting with foods, and I found that in my case, eating loads of sugary things and things with loads of starch or highly refined carbs sent the pain levels way up. I didn't actually notice this until I tried a very high protein diet, and the difference was amazing.

Now, this could have been happening only in my case, but I suspect it isn't, after talking to other people about it without 'leading' them if you see what I mean.

The reason I started on this track was something I read somewhere about Japanese people who have a TBPI, or other nerological injuries, don't seem to report the very high levels of pain that we suffer from here in the West. I was wondering if this was so, what was the reason...what are the differences between us.

One of the major differences between cultures is diet; we eat far more 'junk' food generally, and I thought there might be a link somewhere, however vague. I thought it was well worth further investigation..of course, I haven't got vey far with it, but it's something I intend to study further...... when I get time!

Meanwhile, I personally don't think that it could do anyone any harm to cut out some of the over processed foods and drinks that we all love...whether you are injured or not it's far better to be as healthy and fit as possible and this almost always starts with what we eat.

Lizzy B