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Re: 19 Nova Scotia new to this TBPI

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:09 pm
by admin
Hi Jan, My name is Ken,my bpi was caused by hospital error, do mind if i ask what happened to you?
Thanks Ken

Re: 19 Nova Scotia new to this TBPI

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 11:42 pm
by EllenB
Hi Jan,

Sorry about my brain fart...when are you planning to go to Mayo? That's great!!


Re: 19 Nova Scotia new to this TBPI

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:12 am
by RottieJan
hi ken!

as you're a guest, i couldn't send this privately. my story (and others) is also in the thread "roll call" but here it is anyway.

mine started about 3 years ago with tingling in my right arm. after SEVERAL visits to regular doctors, someone had the brilliant idea of sending me to a neurologist. the neurologist didn't even finish my nerve conduction test as he was getting absolutely NO readings. he referred me to a dr. who is head of neurosurgery at a large toronto hospital. while i was waiting for that appointment, i had another one with a plastic surgeon (for something unrelated), who asked what was wrong with my hand. i explained what had happened and she sent me to occupational therapy. 2 months into the o.t., i was able to start using my hand again.

i had my appointment with the neurosurgeon at (large toronto hospital), who said he needed to do "exploratory" surgery as he couldn't tell if thgere was a tumor or not, due to scar tissue. i've since found out that scar tissue shows up grey and tumors show up white - so he was obviously full of it =o)

the morning of the surgery, i signed the papers with my right hand. when i woke up, i couldn't move my fingers or hand. of course, to cover his butt, the neurosurgeon swears i moved my fingers in recovery, but i know i didn't.

i eventually "fired" him and now see dr. anastakis at toronto western. he's amazing, but i still have no use of my right hand or fingers -- 2 years after the surgery.

as i said, once i get some info from dr. anastakis, i'll be contacting the mayo clinic.



Re: 19 Nova Scotia new to this TBPI

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:15 am
by RottieJan
hey ellen!

hope you and john and your family had a wonderful holiday!

i have no clue when/if i'm going to mayo. still waiting to hear from my dr. i'll wait another week and then send a "nudge" lol!



Re: 19 Nova Scotia new to this TBPI

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:50 pm
by bermitt
Hi jan
you seem like the coolest person ever, I am so sorry to here about your doctor, i know what it feels like with somebody makes a mistake that changes your life, I was driving my bike on my way to get chips for everybody at work, when a car cut in front of me. I really can't remember what i was thinking.
So Anastakis would be my best bet, i am just learning and i am so scared of all of this. I love when i come on here and i get people that understand, all of you are so good to reply i thought this was going to like a waiting game. but i found that you guys are very fast to reply. i want to send a thanks to everyone here.
I have lots of relatives in toronto and here they said that they would pay for surgery(the province will)I would have to pay for travel. I am covered by insurance and i don't know yet if they will pay for travel, but i think i can handle any moneys issues. i am just so in the dark.
The pain is great now hahah i can deal with it and it really doesn't bother me.
Thanks for all the info
take care bear!

Re: 19 Nova Scotia new to this TBPI

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:20 am
by RottieJan
thanks for the compliments *blush*

i'd recommend dr. anastakis definately, just because he is so down to earth and caring. however, i've been told that he's also a brachial plexus expert. if you need contact info, email me privately and i'll send it to you.

we all were scared. this is one of the scariest things that can happen to someone. we all heal differently, too -- physically and emotionally. it's taken me 2 years to deal emotionally and this forum and the people on it have been a tremendous help. in time, you'll find - and be amazed - at how well we adapt and learn to do things *smile* if you can't figure something out - ask here - someone's bound to be able to help -- especially the "old timers" *grin*

must go as it's late and have a busy day tommorrow.

