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Re: Neurontin

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 6:51 pm
by admin
Sorry, sorry, sorry. I had my drug names mixed up. I was getting Oxycontin mixed up with Gabapentin. Nurontin & Gabapentin are the same thing.
Sorry if I confused anyone.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 6:57 pm
by admin
Sorry, sorry, sorry. I had my drug names mixed up. I was getting Oxycontin mixed up with Gabapentin. Nurontin & Gabapentin are the same thing.
Sorry if I confused anyone.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 7:31 pm
by Gidget
I've yet to notice any side effects. I do think it has lessened the pain some.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:15 pm
by punchy sue

Pete- I'm on Neurotin/Gabapentin (sorry I called it gabatril before) and it does have side effects for me but it also helps with the pain. I can't take more then 1200mg a day without major short term memory loss. For me the memory loss was so bad that I was having trouble functioning during the day because I kept forgeting what I was doing and I would forget what I was saying midway through a sentence. I would walk into a room to get something and could not for the life of me, remember what I was going to get. At that point I was on 1800mg - 2400mg a day.

A good side effect is that it does help me sleep through the night, especially if I take 600mg right before bed. Each person reacts to medication differently and of the anti-siezure drugs out there, I think it's one of the safest.

There's a good web site, that gives a great description of medications including actual side effects that people experience and how exactly the meds work in your body. Hope this helps.

Re: Neurontin

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 12:19 am
by admin
I took neurontin 3x/day (300mg) for about 1 month and a half. I noticed that I started getting severe acne on my face and my hair was falling out a lot more than normal...I'm only 19. During the medication, I didn't noticed any deminishing of my pain. So I was really scared and told my doc that I wanted to get off neurontin. He prescribed me gabitril instead. So now, I'm taking only 4 mg a day ( 2 pills/ 2mg each). I noticed a lot more improvement than with neurontin but it's only been about a month so I'm not sure yet.

Has anyone had the same side effects as me with the neurontin or has anyone taking gabitril ans would like to share their opinion? Thanks!