All Natural Childbirth After SD

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All Natural Childbirth After SD

Post by Sema »

Hello Everyone,

It's been a while since I've been on the boards. A lot has been happening including a recent move to TX and we are expecting a baby girl in November. Needless to say, I am nervous about the delivery of the baby and Shoulder Dystocia. I had many interventions, such as an induction and an epidural, when Evan was born and I definitely do not want to go that route again. I would love to hear from those of you who have chosen to have a vaginal birth after SD. I would really like to hear about positive or negative experiences. If you prefer please feel free to write me at Thank you.

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Re: All Natural Childbirth After SD

Post by solson »

While I ended up choosing a c-section for our second, I wanted to let you know that I understand your dilemma and hope that you can find all the information you are looking for to make the best choice for you and your family. It is such a tough decision and one that I struggled with the entire nine months. Please let us know how it turns out, whichever way you choose to deliver.
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Re: All Natural Childbirth After SD

Post by admin »

My second baby had SD, I felt at the time it was because I was forced to give birth in a semi-recumbent position in order to allow monitoring -ironically-I was monitored because they felt I was high risk-since then I have found out that the highest risk of all is lying on your back or semi recumbent!
For my third baby I insisted on giving birth upright, and had to really fight for it-because of the SD with number 2 I was again listed as "high risk" and so was told monitoring was absolutely necessary. My 3rd baby was a PERFECT birth, no tearing at all, and I'm so glad I went with my instincts. The OB wanted to blame my body for the SD but I KNEW I could do it if I just got off my back. I think being listed as high risk is a risk in itself!

Good luck and strength with your choices-I know how hard this is.
Heather B
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Re: All Natural Childbirth After SD

Post by Heather B »

Hi Sema,

First off let me say, welcome to Texas. Hopefully you're not in Rita's path right now. We live just north of Dallas, so we're just expecting a lot of rain.

Second, I thought I'd share my experience with you....

Our first daughter was born just over 3 years ago with a ROBPI. When we got pregnant with our second, we agonized over the decision on whether to have a vaginal delivery or c-section as the majority of doctors were recommending. My husband & I decided together that we believed this is a totally preventable injury & although we were taking a chance of another SD, we would go vaginal, with a midwife in a birth center (last time I was in the hospital induced with pit & flat on my back with an epidural). I know this is definitely not the choice of most people, but we felt it was the right choice for us.

We took precautions of cutting sugar & most starches out of my diet & basically eating really healthy (even though I didn't have GD with my first daughter...she was 9lbs 4oz...I also didn't have it this time). I gained 20lbs this time vs. 40lbs last time. We also decided with the midwife to try to get mother nature moving at around 38 weeks with a number of "natural" methods.

I'm very happy to report that after a 2hr 45min labor (in which I walked/stood the entire time), I delivered another little girl (at just over 38 weeks, 7lbs 1oz this time) that was perfectly healthy with absolutely no problems. Camille will be 8 months old this week. Ugh!! Where does the time go?!?!

I wish you the very best of luck whichever route you choose to go. Please feel free to email me if you'd like!

Happy Birthing!!!
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Tanya in NY
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am Mom to Amber, injured at birth. I serve on the Board of Directors for UBPN, and am a labor/delivery nurse, too.
Location: NY State

Re: All Natural Childbirth After SD

Post by Tanya in NY »


I got your e-mail. I apologize as I just haven't had the time to sit down and respond appropriately as I feel you deserve yet. I will soon. This is a very difficult topic I think and i want to respond with as much assitance as I can as a nurse and friend.

Tanya in NY
Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI, 13 years old
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Re: All Natural Childbirth After SD

Post by admin »

I would be interested in hearing what people have to say about this topic too. I am pregant with baby number 5, 4th one being the one with bpi.
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Re: All Natural Childbirth After SD

Post by judodson »

Hi there, let me share my experience my first son was born at 5 pounds 15 oz no problems besides he was a little early, cole my BPI baby was 8pounds 7 ounces and it was a nightmare for all of us as you probably know then when cole was 7 months old I found out i was preg again, my heart sunk, i was sooooooooo scared, well I switched drs, cuz of obvious reasons, and she was awesome we talked about monitoring the babies weight and inducing if necessary, well come 37 weeks the sono showed she wasnt gaining weight so they induced anyhow, it was all natural no drugs, and vaginal and actually was my best delivery yet, she ended up being the exact same size as my first child 5'15 and it was all great... so dont be afraid, just know your options... and be prepared to take other measures....good luck and congrats on your move to texas!