Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Posts: 254
Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2002 11:05 am

Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Post by Paul »

Hi can you tell which dr. you went to thanks
Posts: 254
Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2002 11:05 am

Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Post by Paul »

Mike I like your respones to Jeff my acident has 3 years ago this past week on a motorcycle I had one surgury By Dr. Terizs in VA which did not work out so good I lost c5 and c6 Can you tell which Dr. you are using and a little about them thanks Paul
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Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Post by Paul »

I had intercostal Rob by DR. Terizs it did not work out a lot of pain for nothing. Paul
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Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Post by ocnsky »

Dito, with Dr.Terzis, I managed a few uneccessary scars during that surgery. It was Dr.Ebert, that was a intern of hers, who brought me to Dr.Tomato, in Pittsburg for the Intercostal/fusion/Grizilis surgery. Man that was a rough two years, If I could shake this pain everything would be cake! does anyone know about elivel (spelling) is it as strong as neurotin, cheaper? Why is it only that neurotin makes this bareable? Why in the world can they not get rid of this PAIN! Have a great Day! Rob
Posts: 254
Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2002 11:05 am

Re: Jeff is home/next surgery:scapula fusion

Post by Paul »

Rob where any of the oparations sucsfull which ones did Terzis Do. Dr Wolf at Cornill NYcity wants to do a Grizilis now. How did your work out what can I excpect? Paul