Wow... where do I begin??....

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Wow... where do I begin??....

Post by tcon »

did anyone in the hospital put on the records BPI or erb's? How did you know what it was (i had never heard the term until my daughter was born)? Sounds like you may need a new pedi. Keep fighting. pedi does not really get invovled in my daughters BPI care...they ask about her at every appt but I am the one requesting referrals, letters of medical necessity etc. They are very cooperative but I take the lead.
Makai's Mom
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Re: Wow... where do I begin??....

Post by Makai's Mom »

When Makai was born, the OBGYN told us that Makai had shoulder dystocia. I was in a fog and didn't really comprehend what was happening. The next day the pedi. came to the hospital for the standard visit and printed material at the nurse's station about erbs palsy. It was just kind of assumed.

Now what is the Letter of Medical Necessity for and who writes it?

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Re: Wow... where do I begin??....

Post by Chloesmom »

Yeah I would sooo get a new pedi. As for not qualifying for early intervention with erbs palsy that is CRAP. I worked for EI as a counselor and I KNOW that there are diagnosis that make you immediately eligible (no matter the severity) and BPI is ONE OF THEM. That lady is giving you the run around. Ask for her supervisor or the regional program director.

Letters of medical nessessity. I'm assuming that this is the letter we needed from the pediatricial and the BPI specilist for our insurance company. I just asked both drs to write one and it was done. Its too bad people have a problem doing their job. I was met with the same bull and then I turned into a Bi*** and now things run much smoother with everyone ...including the insurance companies. Sometimes being polite gets you no where
Makai's Mom
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Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:02 pm

Re: Wow... where do I begin??....

Post by Makai's Mom »

ChloesMom, you are dead on. Your right about everything, now that I'm pushing hard things seem to be slowly changing.