God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
sandi raney
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God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Post by sandi raney »

I live 2 blocks from Galveston Bay, I cant keep my eyes off the tv. I'm praying for all the people on the coastline areas, this storm is BIG!
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Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Post by PeggyF »

I echo that!

I have a lot of friends right in the path. It's terribly scary. I've tried to call a few people, but all circuits are busy (not surprising!)
These people are going to need a lot of prayers. In fact, one of the guys on CNN that makes the evacuations plans said, "this is one area of the goveernment when, not only is prayer allowed, it's a requirement!"

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Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Post by tracy1972 »

On my prayer list too!!! Stay safe!!! God Bless!

Posts: 3242
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 4:11 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am ROBPI, global injury, Horner's Syndrome. No surgery but PT started at 2 weeks old under the direction of New York Hospital. I wore a brace 24/7 for the first 11 months of my life. I've never let my injury be used as an excuse not to do something. I've approach all things, in life, as a challenge. I approach anything new wondering if I can do it. I tried so many things I might never have tried, if I were not obpi. Being OBPI has made me strong, creative, more determined and persistent. I believe that being obpi has given me a very strong sense of humor and compassion for others.
Location: New York

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Post by Kath »

You guys are all at the top of my prayer list.
Keep safe
Kath robpi/adult

Kathleen Mallozzi
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Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina


ALL of my family is in Loiusiana. some in New Orleans, but most in Baton Rouge. I was just watching the news and they said that Katrina turned, so New Orleans will not get hit "as" bad. Winds still up to 85 mph+, but they could have been 150+. I am praying for all those down there.

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Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Post by Mandie »

I'm 3 hours from New Orleans....its getting bad out there.

I've been at work a lot cause we have evacuees there.

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Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Post by cherie_hohertz »

My parents, my sister and her family, all of my family really live in Biloxi, MS. They didn't evacuate and are staying put in my sister's house. My parents live about 1/2 mile inland, and they were forced to evacuate, but my sister lives about 2 miles inland, so they are at her house.

The last time I talked to them was about 4 am this morning, and the rain and wind had started. The worst is yet to come for them I'm afraid.

Thanks for keeping them in your thoughts!

Carolyn J
Posts: 3424
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 1:22 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI. I am 77 yrs old and never had a name for my injuries until 2004 when I found UBPN at age 66.

My injuries are: LOBPI on upper body and Cerebrael Palsy on the lower left extremities. The only intervention I've had is a tendon transplant from my left leg to my left foot to enable flexing t age 24 in 1962. Before that, my foot would freeze without notice on the side when wearing heels AND I always did wear them at work "to fit in" I also stuttered until around age 18-19...just outgrew it...no therapy for it. Also suffered from very very low self esteem; severe Depression and Anxiety attacks started at menopause. I stuffed emotions and over-compensated in every thing I did to "fit in" and be "invisible". My injuries were Never addressed or talked about until age 66. I am a late bloomer!!!!!

I welcome any and all questions about "My Journey".
Sharing helps to Heal. HUGS do too.
Location: Tacoma WA

Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Post by Carolyn J »

Cherie and all,
I too, am keeping everyone in Katrina's path in my prayers.
Hugs all around,
Carolyn J
Carolyn J
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Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Post by cherie_hohertz »

Just wanted to let you all know that I talked to my mother and sister about an hour ago and they are in desperate need of prayers.

As I posted earlier, my parents live about 1/2 mile inland straight in the path that this hurricane has taken. They were forced to evacuate to my sister's house which is about 2 miles inland. When I talked to them, they had 2 trees in the middle of my sister's house (one sitting crossways in the house, the other in the middle of the kitchen), the attic had caved into the dining room, about half the roof was missing, and they had water knee deep into the house, and they were expecting it to rise even further. They still had about 3 hours of the hurricane to go.

As soon as the storm passes, they are going to a neighbor's house that had less damage and who has a 2nd story so they will be safe.

They have not, and probably will not, be able to make it to my parents house today. They are assuming the worst of total devastation, since my parent's house sits about 15 feet above sea level, and the storm surge has now reached the 30 ft. mark.

I'll update you more as I know more... Please keep them in your thoughts!

Tanner's Mom
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Re: God Bless Anyone in the area affected by Katrina

Post by Tanner's Mom »

We will certainly be keeping everyone in our thoughts and prayers.
